eans of tubular pen and Indian ink reproducing to scale each plant with some taxonomically important details. Essential oils from three species of Chrysanthemum growing in Tunisia (C. coronarium, C. fuscatum, and C. grandiflorum) were first analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and GC/mass spectrometry (MS) and then evaluated for toxicity and antifeeding action against Tribolium confusum. collected from two sites located at the coastal part of North Tunisia (Bizerte and Soliman). is described and illustrated. is known under the common name of "Mazoukcha." Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. This group ‘Kabylias–Numidia–Kroumiria’ comprises an unrecognised regional hotspot, made of forests, mountains and coastal ecosystems and threatened by human activities. typicus Batt. Flore de Tunisie, Catalogue synonymique commenté. Flore de Tunisie: Catalogue synonymique commente (Le Floc'h & Boulos 2008); Index Synonymique Flora d'Afrique du Nord, Volume 1-5 (Dobignard & Chatelain 2010-2013); CJB African Plant Database; EURO + MED PLANTBASE (www.emplantbase.org) Salsola foetida Delile ex Sprengel is lectotypified on a specimen preserved at MPU, while for Chenopodium baryosmon we clarified the statement by Botschantzev (lectotype at BM). Rép. Types of names of Orobanche taxa described from North Africa. The name F. fontanesii is lectotypified using a specimen from belonging to Caninae section. También se tratan otros nombres ilegítimos e inválidos (Althaea frutex, H. floridus, Ketmia syrorum, K. Arborea y K. Arborescens). Topical application C. grandiflorum essential oil caused a significant insect mortality that attends 27% after 7 days of treatment. Floristic surveys and phytoecological relevés were conducted on 36 temporary wetlands of Mogods region. ng the use of other criteria like criterion B (diversity) and criterion C (habitats). Flore de Tunisie : Catalogue synonymique commenté / Edouard Le Floc'h & Loutfy Boulos ; avec la collaboration de Errol Vela, Jean-Marc Tison & Roland Martin. 2. The major identified fatty acids with GC/MS analysis of fatty acid methyl esters for Bizerte and Soliman populations are oleic (20.20 ± 1.42 and 23.9 ± 2.87%, respectively), erucic (20.82 ± 1.60 and 22.04 ± 2.65%, respectively) and linoleic (24.09 ± 2.47 and 21.34 ± 2.76%, respectively) acids. Mission de l’exploration scientifique de la Tunisie, Imprimerie nationale, Paris, 519 pp. Our research, coupled with findings from the literature, allow an up-to-date analysis of distribution, status of populations, and actual and potential threats to the continued survival of all species within Tunisia. Flore de Tunisie : catalogue synonymique commenté; LE FLOC’H, E., L. BOULOS & E. VÉLA (2010). The use of essential oils from different Chrysanthemum species with different methods helps poor farmers who store small amounts of grains to preserve it against pest infestation. Stomatopoda (II). Public ations Scientifiques T unisiennes, Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recher che Scientifique, Molium G. DON ex KOCH and shows different intraspecific taxa described by various authors. This shows that diversity index is significantly higher in Béja compared to that of Bizerte and Jendouba. la és groga, l'estendard de 15-18 mm, glabre, amb ratlles brunes; beina de 2-4 cm de llargada i 4-6 mm d'amplada. A. blitum is a monoecious annual weed with a near global distribution. Principal threats to amphibian survival (uncontrolled urban extension, alteration and destruction of habitat, pollution, road kills, and introduction of several predator species) vary slightly from north to south. Despite an increasing number of man-made habitats (irrigation canals), southern localities continue to suffer from lack of suitable habitat due to natural and human causes. Como parte de los estudios en curso sobre las Malvaceae de Túnez, se descubrieron poblaciones de dos especies de Hibiscus (H. rosa-sinensis y H. syriacus) y de Lagunaria patersonia en el norte de Túnez, que representan los primeros registros de la flora nacional y norteafricana. 31: 31-36. In Tunisia, according to. Practical applications Results from this study were confirmed that both thyme EOs could be considered as a very promising natural preservatives for foods from microbial spoilage in the food industries, also they can serve to inhibit or prevent the growth of food-borne pathogens. Fasc. Scabiosa atropurpurea L. stem extracts presented a considerable antioxidant, antibacterial, and allelopathic potential, with less antifungal effectiveness. I.-VI. A key to the genera and the infrageneric taxa, their nomenclature, synonymy and short descriptions are provided. Flore de la Tunisie (vol. WIKLUND, A., 1986. Among the 128 hydrophytic species inventoried, 38 are presently in precarious status and 6 are presumed extinct. 2009; ... & Reut.) Baseline conditions reconstructed from literature indicate that both lakes were very similar until the 1950s, and comparable to the current state of Majen Choucha, housing rich oligotrophic plant communities. Gas chromatography coupled to flame ionization and mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography coupled to photodiode array and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry highlighted the presence of 15 volatiles, 19 phenolics, and 24 natural pigments in Scabiosa atropurpurea L. stem samples; among them, the most abundant were 1,8-cineole, chlorogenic acid, cynaroside, and lutein. et Q. faginea Lam., elle-même représentée par deux taxons, subsp. Three varieties are widely distributed in all of the species’ range, but A. bassii var. Relationship between environmental factors and larval density in Ochlerotatus We have also identified species with widespread distribution such as Trifolium campestre and Trifolium tomentosum and species with restricted geographical distribution such as Anthyllis vulneraria at Rimel in the governorate of Bizerte and Hippocreppis unisiliquosa in the governorate of Beja in Medjez El Bab. A taxonomic interpretation of the morphological variability has shown that Tunisian rose populations belong to two sections (Synstylae and Caninae) of the genus Rosa. and Helichrysum litoreum Guss. French National Centre for Scientific Research Montpellier. Multivariate analyses (CA, AHC) performed on these data reveal the high specific and biocoenotic diversity of Mogods wetlands, which appear controlled by substrate nature and hydrology. low salinity and predominantly occupied by Juncus maritimus. In this context, an inventory was carried out showing the presence of 40 different species of forage legumes divided into 15 genus, some of which exist in the three governorates prospected at the same time. Éd. A taxonomic treatment of the C. imbricatum group is proposed, with two species recognised: C. imbricatum s.lat. (2010). & Trab.) Their combined citations are counted only for the first article. This article is protected by copyright. Recent discovery of the small pillwort (Pilularia minuta Durieu, Marsileaceae) in Tunisia: Hope for an endangered emblematic species of Mediterranean temporary pools? : une nouvelle orchidée pour la flore de la Tunisie L' Orchidophile. https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/136106211/136106213. Quatre sous-espèces ont été identifiées et présentement reconnues en péninsule Ibérique et au Maroc, or, les données disponibles ne permettent pas de trancher entre les taxons présents en Algérie. Rosmarinus officinalis is the most used medicinal species in the Mediterranean region. The concept of biodiversity hotspot at the regional and global scale has contributed to the improvement of the conservation strategies. Orobanche litorea is new to North Africa, and O. canescens has been confirmed for North Africa more than 100 years after the only known collection. This paper reviews the available literature, and sums up reported traditional uses, bioactive compounds and pharmacological activities of these species. Descriptions for their distinguishing morphological characters, as well as ecological and chorological data are given. All rights reserved. Myrcene (3.2-35.7%), (Z)-β-ocimene (0.6-23.0%), camphor (0.6-17.2%), cis-chrysanthenol (0-6.9%), cis-chrysanthenyl acetate (1.1-17.9%), isobornyl acetate (1.6-3.5%), (E)-β-farnesene (0-6.0%), germacrene D (0-8.7%) and (E,E)-α-farnesene (0.7-12.4%) were the predominant components in the oils. En cours de rédaction. Whilst it differs from the genus Seidlitzia, with which has close resemblance, for the presence of brances not jointed, leaves articulated on a basal pulvinus, hypogynous disc well developped, staminodes and stamen filaments shortly fused at the base, anthers appendaged, perianth segments equal or subequal enterely or only in the central part membranaceous. The small pillwort, which occurs in 16 locations around the Mediterranean basin, could be characterised by a good dispersion. A nomenclatural study of the names linked to the critical Caroxylon imbricatum is presented. The new species is morphologically similar to A. crassipes, A. crispus, A. graecizans Pour cela, nous avons utilisé de préférence les travaux inédits de Dobignard [39], complétés lorsque cela était nécessaire par la consultation de flores récentes concernant les territoires concernés, notamment le Nord du Maroc [40] et la Tunisie, ... atlanticumMaire). Data on distribution of Elatine macropoda Guss. Jaccard similarity index calculated for the different studied localities. Un inventaire dé taillé des espè ces rencontré es a e ´ té e ´ tabli (Annexe S1) et la nomenclature des taxons a e ´ té ré visé e a ` l'aide de Le Floc'h et Boulos, ... En effet, si sa description originale en Italie date d'il y a un siècle, la flore de référence en usage en Italie (Pignatti, 1982) n'en fait pas état. Species plantarum, 2 Vols. Percentage and constituents variations were registered in flowers and leaves essential oil of three Glebionis coronaria (L.) Tzvelev population growing wildly in three different ecotypes (Utique, M'saken and Sahara Lektar) in Tunisia. Reference page. angustifolia appears actually to be rare with a very restricted distribution in Algeria. are given, listing distribution map and a list of localities. All compounds also showed weak to moderate anti-inflammatory and anti-superoxide dismutase activities. La nomenclature des taxons a été révisée selon, ... Habitat diversity is highest between the Medjerda Mountains in the west and Cap Bon Peninsula in the east. & Durieu ex Pomel, is here considered to be composed of hybrids between R. adpressum and R. suaveolens. Dobignard, A. The fields dodder or the devil's hair (Cuscuta campestris) originating from North America was observed, for the first time in 2010, in the northwest of Tunisia (in the Mogods). Phytogeografical and ecological informations are given too. Le Houérou) Flore de tunisie, catalogue synonymique commenté (analyse de H.N. typicus Batt. The main common constituents of all the essential oils were α-pinene, myrcene, α-humulene, β-caryophylene, spathulenol, and caryophyllene oxide. control is limited. While located in similar environments, these lakes are today home to very different flora. It is known from records scattered throughout mainland Spain, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, and the islands of Corsica in France, Sardinia and Sicily in Italy, and the Balearic Islands in Spain. Ministère de L’environnement et du Développement Durable. Catalogue synonymique commenté de la Flore de Tunisie. (Asteraceae) para Andalucía Occidental. Species identification was based on the key based on determination and morphological descriptions of Tunisian flora (Pottier-Alapetite, 1979). Orobanche hederae and O. pubescens are new to Tunisia. & Spach (Cistaceae) is discussed. Linnaeus, C. (1753). Thirty-eight morphological characters related to the branches, prickles, leaves and corymbs were measured on the collected accessions to study the phenotypic diversity among and within species. The author provided a full taxonomic treatment with descriptions, illustrations, herbarium specimens seen, distribution map, keys and relationships of the species of Damiella Maire & Weiller (Chenopodiaceae). Damiella (see BRULLO 1982), viz. Abstract. & Chatelain C. 2012 : Index synonymique de la flore d’Afrique du Nord. 1984;Güemes et al. Both EOs at low concentrations (0.01 and 0.05% [vol/wt]) exerted a bacteriostatic effect (p < .001), only against E. coli and S. typhimurium. To cite this article: E. Véla, S. Benhouhou, C. R. Biologies 330 (2007). On the taxonomy and nomenclature of Gnaphalium angustifolium Lam. Taxonomic and phytogeographical considerations on Hyoseris taurina (Compositae), a S. Tyrrhenian element Introduction. République Tunisienne. Pleurodeles nebulosus and Hyla meridionalis appear restricted to humid, subhumid, and semi-arid localities in northern Tunisia, in the Khroumirie region, but also within the Mogod region, around Tunis and the Cap Bon Peninsula. hirtipetala, S. foetida var. Y rajouter : LE FLOC’H E., BOULOS L. et VELA E. (2010) : Catalogue synonymique commenté de la flore de Tunisie. In this study the phenolic and carotenoid composition of this plant was both investigated and associated bioactivities were evaluated. Allium roseum L. is a species with a typically mediterranean distribution and prevalently present in the centre—south of Italy. According to the bibliographical data that are available, the most remarkable areas for endemism are the Oran's coast, the Great Kabylia, and the Small Kabylia. Comparative morphological description, genome size, ecological niche and biogeography of the related taxa and a revised key for Prospero taxa from the Irano-Anatolian enlarged to its Mediterranean border are given in the present study. maritima Scop. This decline seems to have affected only small populations (Maritime-Alps, France; Lazio, Italy) and highly disturbed areas (Algeria), while large ones (Sardinia, Italy; Corsica and Hérault, France; Andalusia, Spain; western Morocco), presumably more stable, survived. Banque Nationale de Gènes, Ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable, Tunis. The genus Trifolium and Medicago was the most diversified by the presence of 9 and 8 species. The wetlands of North Africa are an endangered and invaluable ecological heritage. and the genera suggests a long history of the range formation. .) Catalogue synonymique commenté de la Flore de Tunisie : More info on : see under Jstor_African Plant Initiative: see under chg: see under Fgui: see under The International Plant … Catalogue synonymique des Salvia L. du monde (Lamiaceae). The bryophyte nomenclature follows Hodgetts et al. The essential oil of C. grandiflorum was rich in sesquiterpenoids, while those of C. fuscatum and C. coronarium were rich in monoterpenoids. [8. I realized up today 260 botanical plates reproducing to scale arable weeds of the north western part of the country. The studied taxon has been attached since its discovery in Tunisia to Ophrys migoutiana H. Gay, a plant described in Algeria, which remains little known to botanists. Suite à un dépouillement plus approfondi des données recueillies, la présence d’une autre plante nouvelle pour l’Algérie s’est avérée intéressante à signaler. Catalogue synonymique des espèces jusqu'à présent récoltées dans la mer rouge, y c... Book Review:Catalogue Commente des Coleopteres du Maroc. ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any references for this publication. Site protection and management to reduce the extent of the impact of urbanization are mayor conservation measures recommended. (syn. E. pusillum L.), E. campestre L., E. dichotomum Desf., E. glomeratum Lamk., E. ilicifolium Lam., E. maritimum L., E. tricuspidatum L. et E. triquetrum Vahl [8. In Tunisia, Cistus monspeliensis is widespread and occurs mainly in; La Galite, Beja, Bordj Toum, Bou Kornine, Dj. – Genève. Literature data on host and distribution are also revised. flowers. ... We distinguish below the temporary-pool species (amphibious species) characteristic of temporary habitats from the hydrophytic species (aquatic and helophytic species) characteristic of permanent waters. In the 1960s, at the time that cultivation of the adjacent peatland began, Majen Chitane underwent strong ecological changes as the initial oligotrophic plant, diatom and zooplankton communities were replaced by eutrophication-tolerant ones. Yıldırım, a species recently described from SE-Turkey, is recorded for the first time to the flora of Iraq based on samples collected from Amadya and Duhok areas (N-Iraq). The most effective essential oil was obtained from the leaves of C. grandiflorum, that inhibited the relative growth rate (−0.03 mg/mg/d), efficiency of conversion of ingested food (−50.69%), relative consumption rate, caused an antifeeding effect (66.43%) and a high mortality (80%) of T. confusum larvae. L. Salvius, Holmiae [Stockholm]. Découverte de Galium verrucosum subsp. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. Maire, R. (1923). République Tunisienne, Ministère de l’Environnement Et Du Développment Durable Banque Nationale de … The genus Damiella differs from the genus Salsola for the presence a well developped hypoginous disc, of staminodes alternating with the stamens, of leaves cylindrical or davate articulating at the base with a short coriaceous whitish pulvinus which is ventrally hollowed out and more or less wooly. nov. The need for precise evaluation is often hampered by lapses of knowledge in some Mediterranean regional hotspots. République Tunisienne. El Mokni, R., Mahmoudi, M.R. Published by Elsevier SAS. To read the full-text of this research, you can request a copy directly from the authors. République Tunisienne, Ministère de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable, Banque Nationale de Gènes, Tunis, 500 + 2 pp. 2005. : D. longifolia (Forsskal) Brullo comb, nov., D. verticillata (Schousboe) Brullo comb, nov., D. zygophylla (Batt. This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research yet. Université de Montpellier - Cited by 1,776 - biodiversité méditerranéenne The following articles are merged in Scholar. Implementation of stricter policies coupled with increased public education and awareness is recommended in order to preserve Tunisia’s amphibian fauna. Results analysis highlights a relationship between essential oils composition and insecticidal activity against T. confusum. These results indicate that the volatile fractions and extracts from S. atropurpurea L. stem could be considered as a good source of bioactive agents, with possible applications in food-related, agriculture, and pharmaceutical fields. We propose to illstrate also seeds and seedlings of the 250 main crop weeds. Distribution in Tunisia, notes of its preferred habitat, phenology, and the IUCN status of conservation Our observations confirmed that Tunisia is affected by amphibian population decline, due especially to loss and fragmentation of habitat. Besides, analysis of tocopherols allowed the identification of two isoforms (α- and γ-tocopherols). Eryngium pusillum L.), E. campestre L., E. dichotomum Desf., E. glomeratum Lam., E. ilicifolium Lam., E. maritimum L., E. tricuspidatum L. et E. triquetrum Vahl. The genus Rhanterium (Aateraceae: Inuleae). Neottia nidus-avis (L.) L.C.M.Rich. The designation of the nomenclatural types is based on the assessment of the Spinosissima is treated as a distinct genus Sulla, and H. sect. Catalogue synonymique commenté de la Flore de Tunisie. You can request the full-text of this article directly from the authors on ResearchGate. Structures de végétation et conservation des zones humides temporaires méditerranéennes : la région des Mogods (Tunisie septentrionale). 2014). The awareness of public authorities is needed in order: (1) to completely protect the wetland with the aim of restoring a riparian forest belt; and (2) to initiate a campaign for increasing the local population awareness, and its involvement in conservation programs. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. ... Ces montagnes sont très accidentées et entaillées [31,33,34]. Brullo comb, nov., D. schweifurthii (Solms-Laub.) La zone littorale et frontalière de Cap Sigleb (ex-Cap Roux), situé sur la commune d’Oum Teboul, fut l’objet d’une exploration botanique le 3 avril 2004, au cours de laquelle fut découverte, pour la première fois coté algérien, l’endémique «tunisienne» Sixalix farinosa (Coss.) The vegetation study of the Ramsar site of Beni-Belaid (Kabylia) showed the existence of four main communities, distributed along gradients of hydrology and disturbance. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. breeding sites. In Tunisia, only eight species are encountered: E. barrelieri Boiss. On the other hand, Stracheya is reduced to a section of the genus Hedysarum. ex Batt. — ISSN: 1120-4052 printed, 2240-4538 online. Catalogue synonymique commenté de la Flore de Tunisie : More info on : see under Jstor_African Plant Initiative: see under The Euro-Mediterranean Plant Base: see under Herbarium, North Africa MPU : Map: This species is an aromatic plant, commonly used as a spicy herb (fresh or dried) for flavoring a wide variety of food (Hazzit, Baaliouamer, Verỉssimo, Faleiro, & Miguel, 2009; ... Fumana fontanesii Clauson ex Pomel (1860: 10) (Cistaceae) is a shrub, growing on dry, rocky, stony or sandy ground, and distributed in North Africa (Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria) and in the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula (Battandier & Trabut 1888;Maire 1923;Greuter et al. La nomenclature botanique respecte, ... Pour chaque milieu, nous avons caracté risé la morphologie (superficie, forme), la profondeur maximale de l'eau et la nature du substrat (organique, miné ral) (Tableau 1). Editor: Banque Nationale de Gènes de la Tunisie. and R. dumetorum Thuill. Isolectotypes of C. baryosmon are deposited at BM, BR, E, G, K, M, and LE. This was already a net progress, ending the historical confusion that mixed many taxa under the name “O. ], 2008. Fruit, Chemical composition and antioxidant, antibacterial, allelopathic and insecticidal activities of essential oil of Thymus algeriensis Boiss. Conservation status of amphibians in Tunisia, Morphometric variation and taxonomic identification of thirteen wild rose populations from Tunisia, Distribution and infraspecific morpho-ecological variability of Ambrosina bassii L. - Araceae, an endemic of western-central Mediterranean, Variation of Chemical Composition in Flowers and Leaves Essential Oils Among Natural Population of Tunisian Glebionis coronaria (L.) Tzvelev (Asteraceae), Amaranthus tunetanus (Amaranthaceae), a new species from Tunisia and a diagnostic key to the North African taxa in subgen. Finally multivariate analysis was carried out. Composition chimique et activités pharmacologiques des espèces tunisiennes du genre Eryngium L. (Apiaceae) Chemical composition and pharmacological activities of Tunisian Eryngium species (EryngiumL., Apiaceae), Bioactive flavones isolated from Tunisian Artemisia campestris L. Leaves. that larval densities of both mosquito species are mainly related to plant composition and salinity of PCAs performed on single or combined traits provided a good distinction among the two varieties with a high heterogeneity among var. A particular anatomical structure is identified at the valves junction. Qualitative and quantitative differences were recorded between essential oils extracted from plants collected from the three geographical provinces and between organs of the same plant (leaves and flowers). forest area, but converge after a cultivation period. Albersia occurring in North Africa is also presented. Orobanche, in Tunisia includes 18 different species, ... Orobanche minor Sm. tunisienne, Ministère de l'environnement et du développement durable. The species is therefore classed as Near Threatened, because it is close to qualifying for the category VU; B2ab(ii,iii,iv), as it is widespread with its current AOO estimated at less than 2,000 km², under historical and ongoing continuous decline, and its population is close to qualifying as severely fragmented. & El Aouni, M.H. These major constituents occur in different amounts depending on the organs (leaves or flowers) and the geographical origin of the plant. the ecological niche of each mosquito species using multivariate analyses (CA, HAC). 2021.-ISSN: 1120-4052 printed, 2240-4538 online. A color digital photography will accompany each drawing. Le genre Eryngium L. (Apiaceae, Saniculoideae) comprend plus de 250 espèces utilisées en médecine traditionnelle et comme produits comestibles à travers le monde. Volume 4. (Amaranthaceae / Chenopodiaceae), with a new combination at variety rank. troglodytorum Maire endemic to Tunisia. French National Centre for Scientific Research Montpellier. Flore de Tunisie : catalogue synonymique commenté; LE FLOC’H, E., L. BOULOS & E. VÉLA (2010). in 2012, including a revision of the list of trigger species and addi, Inventaire, Taxonomie , Cartographie , Ecologie, This project aims to produce a field flora helping to identify crop weeds of Northern Algeria (about 700 species). La systématique de Quercus faginea Lam. based on multiple traits, Nueva cita de Centaurea depressa M. Bieb. The essential oils obtained from leaves and flowers shared a similar qualitative composition, but the relative proportions of the constituents were quite different. The description of each species will be completed with botanical illustration by m, Inventorying biodiversity on Mediterranean small islands (petites îles de Méditerranée), VÉLA E., 2019 – Prospero pulchellum. Because of their biogeographical and geomorphological context, the northeastern Algeria wetlands present high species and community richness. 581.9(611) LEF Kalkflechten der Schwäbischen Alb : ein mikroskopisch anatomischer Atlas / F. Schumm. An analytical key to species of Suaeda belonging to Suaedeae tribe and occurring in Tunisia is also provided. Errol Vela. Three chromosome counts gave the same 2n = 2x = 14 karyotype. All rights reserved. The monospecific genus Ambrosina Linnaeus (1764: 579) is represented by the species Ambrosina bassii Linnaeus (1764: 579), an endemic of western-central Mediterranean (Contu 2013). belonging to Synstylae section and R. canina L., R. agrestis Savi., R. micrantha Smith. Catalogue synonymique commenté de la Flore de Tunisie. subsp. The monospecific genus Ambrosina is represented by Ambrosina bassii, an endemic species of western-central Mediterranean mainly studied in Sicily and Corsica. Their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic methods, including 1D and 2D NMR experiments and mass spectrometry analysis. Index synonymique de la flore d'Afrique du Nord. While essential oil from C. coronarium flowers has contact and fumigant toxicity with a mortality of 9 and 13%, respectively. Catalogue synonymique commenté de la Flore de Tunisie. C. helmsii, dé terminé e pour la premiè re fois en Tunisie lors de cette é tude (2008), est une espè ce envahissante originaire d'Australie, peut-être introduite dans les lots de semence de trè fle souterrain importé s d'Australie dans les anné es 1970, ... Pour ce qui est des endémismes « nordafricain » et « saharien », il nous a fallu préciser cette information, qui s'est parfois révélée correspondre à un endémisme frontalier binational, bien que, la plupart du temps, il correspondît à trois pays ou plus. Catalogue synonymique commenté de la Flore de Tunisie Domina, G., W. Greuter, P. Marino & P.A. In addition, cirsiliol was found to be the most cytotoxic against OVCAR-3, IGROV-1and HCT-116 cell lines at 15μM, with inhibition percentage values of 53.7, 48.8 and 40.9%, respectively. are also provided. The α-tocopherol was found as the prominent one in the two fruit oils and was most important in Soliman population than in Bizerte one (31.13 ± 2.45 mg/kg against 28.88 ± 2.21 mg/kg). Revue de la Société Française d' Orchidophilie 186: 181-187. The genetic differentiation among populations and varieties was assessed using flower traits (corolla length, pollen grain size, fertility and viability, style and stamen length), essential oil compounds, allozymes and RAPDs. In addition, all isolated flavones were evaluated for their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-superoxide dismutase, anti-xanthine oxidase and cytotoxic activities. Further investigations are needed for improving the conservation of the rare plants of Mediterranean temporary pools as well as contributing to a better knowledge of the mechanisms controlling their distribution and their present-day status. Plant nomenclature follows Le Floc'h et al. The genus Amaranthus is critical from a taxonomic point of view due to its high phenotypic variability which has resulted in the current nomenclatural disorder and misapplication of several names (see e.g., Costea et al., 2001;Bayón, 2015;Iamonico, 2016aIamonico, , 2016bIamonico, , 2016c. The authors report the recent discovery in Tunisia of a new non-chlorophyll spermaphyte within the Cuscutaceae. ... Carte réalisée à l'aide de QGIS version 2.8 et assemblée à partir des données sources suivantes : Shapefiles par GADM dadatabase version 2.8 (www.gadm.org). The results showed that all isolated compounds exhibited potent anti-xanthine oxidase activity with IC50 ranging from 3.3 to 6.8 μM, which was higher than that of the control compound allopurinol (8.2 ± 0.6 μM). var. fruticosa when Oc. * Le Floc'h E, Boulos L & Vela E (2010) Catalogue synonymique commenté de la Flore de Tunisie. stages and high adult densities generated at each egg hatching period, the effi ciency of insecticide The chemical composition and bioactivities of the dried leaf extracts of A. campestris have not been previously investigated. However, at higher concentrations (1 and 3% [vol/wt]), the bactericidal activity was pronounced (p < .0001), in particular in the case of T. capita-tus EO against all strains, except P. aeruginosa. L’ACM (analyse des correspondances multiples) et la CAH (classification ascendante hiérarchique) ont été utilisées pour analyser les données et identifier des groupes homogènes. Flore de Tunisie : catalogue synonymique commenté; CASTROVIEJO S. & al. The study showed that each essential oil has specific chemical composition and act differently according to the nature of attributed test.