During the 1970s, neither Iran or Oman attempted to impede the passage of warships through the strait, but in the 1980s, both countries asserted claims that were different from customary (old) law. États-Unis/Iran : nouvelles tensions dans le détroit d'Ormuz Depuis jeudi 13 juin et l'attaque de deux pétroliers, les tensions sont vives dans le golfe d'Oman. The strait is about 90 nautical miles (167 km) long, with a width varying from about 52 nautical miles (96 km) to 21 nautical miles (39 km). [26], On 7 January 2012, the British government announced that it would be sending the Type 45 destroyer HMS Daring to the Persian Gulf. [14] There were no injuries, and no oil leaked from the tanker. [20], On 27 December 2011, Iranian Vice President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi threatened to cut off oil supply from the Strait of Hormuz should economic sanctions limit, or cut off, Iranian oil exports. Haghshenass, Fariborz. The Navy's regional commander, Vice Admiral Kevin Cosgriff, said the Iranians had "neither anti-ship missiles nor torpedoes" and he "wouldn't characterize the posture of the US 5th Fleet as afraid of these small boats".[15]. [10] Thus, by mid-1972, the Strait of Hormuz was completely "closed" by the combined territorial waters of Iran and Oman. Ratner, Michael. Additionally, a closing of the Strait would also have severe consequences for Iran itself. A senior member of Iran's parliament said that the Islamic Republic would close the entry point to the Persian Gulf if new sanctions block its oil exports. The lanes are separated by a two-mile-wide "median".[6]. La nouvelle a immédiatement entraîné un bond de 4% des cours du brut. Insight Turkey, 2019, p. 183-214. [41], Aljazeera quoted Major-General Mohammad Baqeri of the Iranian Armed Forces, stating "We are not after closing the Strait of Hormuz but if the hostility of the enemies increases, we will be able to do so". Long de 63 km et large de 40 km, … However, since the 1979 Iranian Revolution, a significant part of Iran’s military spending has been allocated to the asymmetric warfare approach of its naval capabilities, the anti-access/ anti-denial (A2/AD) systems. Position stratégique sur le Detroit d’Ormuz, hôte depuis 2009 d’une importante base militaire française à Abou Dhabi, participation militaire en 2011 au conflit en Lybie, ‘guerre’ interne depuis 2013/14 contre les Frères Musulmans, tension perpétuelle avec l’Iran et… Dubaï, Abou-Dhabi, des économies florissantes, un développement fulgurant. It will have a capacity of 1.65 million barrels per day. [48] Traditionally, the motivations of the threats have been a response to U.S. provocations, and a number of economic sanctions posed on Iran by the U.S, targeting both the Iranian oil market, as well as other economic sectors.[49][50]). [63], • A significant fleet of small boats and manpower available, which can be used to manoeuvre around larger vessels in swarming (military) tactics. It is widely acknowledged,[weasel words] that even a partial closure of the Strait would wreak havoc on the global oil markets and pose a severe threat to energy security. Au sommaire cette semaine, l'escalade militaire dans le détroit d'Ormuz. That afternoon, U.S. secretary of state Mike Pompeo issued a statement accusing Iran of the attacks. [41], On the morning of 13 June 2019, the oil tankers Front Altair and Kokuka Courageous were both rocked by explosions shortly before dawn, the crew of the latter reported seeing a flying object strike the ship; the crew were rescued by the destroyer USS Bainbridge while the crew of the Front Altair were rescued by Iranian ships. La région du Golfe et du détroit d’Ormuz est une fois de plus au cœur de vives tensions géopolitiques, sur fond de bras de fer entre l’Iran et les Etats-Unis. [13] Iran limited the retaliatory attacks to Iraqi shipping, leaving the strait open.[13]. Les tensions dans le détroit d’Ormuz ne devraient pas nous surprendre. The flotilla included three American aircraft carriers (the USS Carl Vinson, the USS Enterprise and USS Abraham Lincoln) and three destroyers (USS Momsen, USS Sterett, USS Halsey), seven British warships, including the destroyer HMS Daring and a number of Type 23 frigates (HMS Westminster, HMS Argyll, HMS Somerset and HMS St Albans), and a French warship, the frigate La Motte-Picquet .[34]. On the north coast lies Iran, and on the south coast the United Arab Emirates and … [7] Current Politics and Economics of the Middle East, 2018, p. 139-150. [37], In July 2018, Iran again made threats to close the strait. "Iran's Threat to the Strait of Hormuz: A Realist Assessment". [7] In 2018 alone, 21 million barrels a day were passing through the strait - this means $1.17 billion worth of oil a day, at September 2019 prices. [54], A 2008 article in International Security contended that Iran could seal off or impede traffic in the Strait for a month, and an attempt by the U.S. to reopen it would be likely to escalate the conflict. Although not all countries have ratified the convention,[8] most countries, including the U.S.,[9] accept these customary navigation rules as codified in the Convention. [43], In July 2019, a Stena Bulk Tanker, Stena Impero, sailing under a British flag, was boarded and captured by Iranian forces. L’équipage de l’« USS Vincennes » avait affirmé avoir pris l’Airbus pour un chasseur iranien animé d’intentions hostiles. "Should We Stay or Should We Go? [1] On the north coast lies Iran, and on the south coast the United Arab Emirates and Musandam, an exclave of Oman. Il est particulièrement vulnérable en raison de sa faible largeur, 50 kilomètres environ, et de sa profondeur, qui n’excède pas 60 mètres. These small attack crafts can be armed with machine guns, torpedoes and anti-ship missiles. [19], On 20 March 2009, United States Navy Los Angeles-class submarine USS Hartford collided with the San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock USS New Orleans in the strait. Ould Abdelaziz a expliqué que la Mauritanie avait rompu, il y quelques mois, ses relations diplomatiques avec l’Emirat, avant de les rétablir, à cause des nombreux intérêts économiques en jeu. The assumptions and results were controversial. When the ship's master declined, one of the Iranian craft fired shots across the bridge of Maersk Tigris. This followed more ambiguous threats from Iran's oil minister and other government officials that an attack on Iran would result in turmoil in the world's oil supply. Le contenu de ce site est le fruit du travail de l'ensemble d'une rédaction qui oeuvre chaque jour à vous apporter une information de qualité, fiable, complète, et d'une équipe web qui vous propose des services innovants. "[25], While earlier statements from Iran had little effect on global oil markets, coupled with the new sanctions, these comments from Iran are driving crude futures higher, up over 4%. Vous avez choisi de ne pas accepter le dépôt de cookies, notamment les cookies de publicité personnalisée. [30] The United States had previously announced its intention to warn Iran that closing the Strait of Hormuz is a "red line" that would provoke an American response. For our part, we are comfortable that we have in the region sufficient capabilities to honor our commitments to our friends and partners, as well as the international community." Le 12 août 2012, il entre en collision avec le pétrolier japonais MV Otowasan dans le détroit d'Ormuz. Nous le savons, la fin des années pétrole débouchera forcément sur une guerre. Scholars, historians and linguists derive the name "Ormuz" from the local Persian word هورمغ Hur-mogh meaning date palm. An oil tanker is on fire in the sea of Oman, Thursday, June 13, 2019. "Iran's Asymmetric Naval Warfare". International Security, 2009, p. 190-198. [5][dubious – discuss] In the local dialects of Hurmoz and Minab this strait is still called Hurmogh and has the aforementioned meaning. International Security, 2008. According to the officials, the anti-ship Fateh-110 Mod 3 flew over 100 miles on a flight path over the Strait of Hormuz to a test range in the Iranian desert. [53], Millennium Challenge 2002 was a major war game exercise conducted by the United States armed forces in 2002. [65] In 2010, Iran was estimated to have at least 2,000 moored and drifting contact mines from Soviet, Western and Iranian sources. Aujourd’hui, c’est faux. Le détroit d’Ormuz, zone sous hautes tensions. In May 1993, Iran enacted a comprehensive law on maritime areas, several provisions of which conflict with UNCLOS provisions, including a requirement that warships, submarines, and nuclear-powered ships obtain permission before exercising innocent passage through Iran's territorial waters.The United States does not recognize any of the claims by Oman and Iran and has contested each of them. Gresh, Geoffrey. [39], In August 2018, Iran test-fired a ballistic missile for the first time in 2018. Ravivées en mai 2018 par le retrait américain de l’accord international sur le nucléaire et le rétablissement de lourdes sanctions, les tensions se sont récemment intensifiées avec des actes de sabotage et des attaques contre des pétroliers dans la région du Golfe en mai et en juin, imputées par Washington à Téhéran – qui a cependant démenti. Le jeudi 13 juin, au matin, deux pétroliers ont été vraisemblablement attaqués en mer d’Oman, tout près de ce passage maritime stratégique pour la circulation du pétrole. "It was shore-to-shore", said one U.S. official describing the launch, who like the others requested anonymity to discuss sensitive information. Détroit d’Ormuz : « Le monde entier a peur des sanctions américaines et de Trump » - Duration: 36:50. In the same article, Suzanne Maloney, an Iran expert at the Brookings Institution, said, "The expectation is that the U.S. military could address any Iranian threat relatively quickly. [2][3], A third of the world's liquefied natural gas and almost 25% of total global oil consumption passes through the strait, making it a highly important strategic location for international trade.[3][4]. Il est placé sous la double souveraineté d'Oman et de l'Iran mais la libre circulation y est, en théorie, garantie par une convention des Nations unies. [27] The British Government however have said that this move has been long-planned, as Daring will replace another Armilla patrol frigate. O'Neil, Williamd D; Talmadge, Caitlin. U.S. officials accused Iran of harassing and provoking their naval vessels, but Iranian officials denied the allegations. Le détroit d'Ormuz, passage stratégique sous haute tension Vendredi 21 Juin 2019 - Par seo. It provides the only sea passage from the Persian Gulf to the open ocean and is one of the world's most strategically important choke points. "[60], In May 2012, a learned article concluded that both the UNCLOS and the 1958 Convention on the High Seas would be violated if Iran followed through on its threat to block passage through the Straits of vessels such as oil tankers, and that the act of passage bears no relation in law to the imposition of economic sanctions. Le détroit d’Ormuz reste la voie de navigation quasi exclusive reliant les producteurs d’hydrocarbures du Moyen-Orient (Arabie saoudite, Koweït, Qatar, Emirats arabes unis, Irak et Iran) aux marchés d’Asie, d’Europe et d’Amérique du nord. Depuis l’arrivée du président Trump au pouvoir, la tension y est à son comble. Détroit d'Ormuz à Oman: le Kumzari, langue menacée de disparition 01:17. [24], The U.S. Navy spokesman Commander Bill Speaks quickly responded that deployment of U.S. military assets would continue as has been the custom stating: "The U.S. Navy operates under international maritime conventions to maintain a constant state of high vigilance in order to ensure the continued, safe flow of maritime traffic in waterways critical to global commerce. La présence de nombreuses îles – dont celle d’Ormuz qui a donné son nom au détroit – et la faible profondeur des eaux territoriales iraniennes, les obligent à emprunter, à l’entrée comme à la sortie, deux chenaux très étroits – de deux milles nautiques (3,7 km) chaque, séparés par une zone tampon de même largeur –, mais suffisants pour permettre le passage … Tensions between the United States and Iran have been at their height since an American surveillance drone was shot down last week by Iranian forces. Luft stated that reducing Hormuz traffic "presents the West with a new opportunity to augment its current Iran containment strategy. On 3 July 1988, 290 people were killed when an Iran Air Airbus A300 was shot down over the strait by the United States Navy guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes (CG-49) when it was wrongly identified as a jet fighter. Malgré les tensions économiques, malgré les pressions écologiques, nous avons encore trente bonnes années devant nous. A series of naval stand-offs between Iranian speedboats and U.S. warships in the Strait of Hormuz occurred in December 2007 and January 2008. U.S. forces sank one frigate, one gunboat, and up to six armed speedboats, as well as seriously damaging a second frigate. Current Politics and Economics of the Middle East, 2018, p. 139-150. Ould Abdelaziz a comparé le Qatar et ce qu’il a fait aux pays arabes à l’Allemagne Nazie et à ce qu’elle a occasionnée aux pays européens. [70][71] The UAE is building the world's largest crude oil storage facility in Fujairah with a capacity of holding 14 million barrels to enhance Fujairah's growth as a global oil and trading hub. In April 1959 Iran altered the legal status of the strait by expanding its territorial sea to 12 nautical miles (22 km) and declaring that it would recognize only transit by innocent passage through the newly expanded area. In the last week of July 2008, in the Operation Brimstone,[18] dozens of U.S. and foreign naval ships came to undergo joint exercises for possible military activity in the shallow waters off the coast of Iran. Iran’s use of its territorial advantages in the Strait of Hormuz is therefore more effective as a threat, than if a complete or partial closure of the Strait is actually executed. [66][63] A key interest to the U.S. in the Persian Gulf, is the free flow of oil and natural gas through the Strait of Hormuz. Ainsi, le pétrole léger produit par les Etats-Unis n’est pas un substitut aux bruts lourds du Moyen-Orient. Cela représente environ 21 % de la consommation mondiale de pétrole et un tiers du brut transitant par voie maritime dans le monde.