Updated: September 30, 2020 4:47 PM IST We are committed to protecting your personal information and we have updated our Privacy Policy to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a new EU regulation that went into effect on May 25, 2018. Earlier, Twitter users from Paris reported hearing a major "blast" in the capital, audible all over the city and its environs. The mighty bang heard in Paris on Wednesday was the sound of an airplane breaking the sound barrier, French police said on Twitter on Wednesday.​. Les Twittos, témoins ou non, se sont empressés de réagir. It was not an explosion, it was a fighter jet crossing the sound barrier," Paris police said on their Twitter account, urging people to stop calling emergency phone lines. You can withdraw your consent using the method specified in the Privacy Policy. Please review our Privacy Policy. Our. Police say the loud bang was caused by a fighter jet breaking the sound barrier, Get all the very latest news in Ireland straight to your email every single day. Préfecture de Police tweeted: "A very important noise was heard in Paris and in the Paris region. Paris fire: Explosion heard ‘instantly’ as ‘violent’ fire breaks out in central Paris PARIS is on lockdown after an explosion in the troubled French capital sparked a “violent fire”. Several streets were evacuated following a huge gas explosion in a residential building in the centre of Paris. It was not an explosion, it was a fighter jet crossing the sound barrier," Paris police said on their Twitter account, urging people to stop calling emergency phone lines. Dramatic footage captures flames ravage a tower block in Paris after an explosion rocked the city. The sonic boom of a fighter jet breaking the sound barrier reverberated through the French capital Paris and nearby suburbs on Wednesday, the Paris police prefecture said on Twitter. Please try again in a minute. La préfecture de la police de Paris a rapidement fourni des explications sur Twitter. Paris bakery 'gas explosion' kills three This article is more than 1 year old Gas leak believed to be cause of blast and fire in six-storey building in 9th arrondissement When you subscribe we will use the information you provide to send you these newsletters. One amber weather warning… Police say the loud bang was caused by a fighter jet breaking the sound barrier. Users can initiate the recovery of their account / unlock access by contacting the moderators at moderator@sputniknews.com. PARIS (Reuters) - L'explosion entendue mercredi vers midi à Paris et dans sa proche banlieue est due à un avion de chasse qui a passé le mur du son, rapporte la préfecture de police. Post limit reached. Twitter explose après l'annonce de la mise à pied de Stéphane Guy par Canal+ Il y a 5 minutes. In all language versions of the sputniknews.com websites any comments posted can be edited. Shortly after 11am Irish time one person tweeted: "Sound of explosion near the François Mitterrand Library, we were all afraid that it was an attack.". Jan 13, 2019 - “Énorme #explosion au cœur de #Paris #75009” Last Updated: 30th September, 2020 16:31 IST Paris 'blast' Turns Out To Be Sonic Boom After Fighter Jet Broke Sound Barrier The police department took to Twitter to inform about the blast that was heard in Paris and suburbs, saying it was just a sonic boom caused by fighter jet. Once it had become clear what the source of the blast was, police urged the public to stay calm and stop calling. Faits divers Enorme bruit d'explosion entendu à Paris : c'était un avion de chasse . Several streets were evacuated following a huge gas explosion in a residential building in the centre of Paris. For a detailed description of the technologies, please see the Cookie and Automatic Logging Policy. Earlier, Twitter users from Paris reported hearing a major "blast" in the capital, audible all over the city and its environs. Il n'y a pas d'explosion, il s'agit d'un avion de chasse qui a franchi le mur du son. Paris (CNN)At least 13 people were hurt Friday in an explosion in the French city of Lyon, prompting a national investigation into possible terrorism. The explosion occurred in a building located at Macdonald Boulevard and Pierre Mollaret, where it ripped through the 1st to the 5th floor of the eight story building. Il ne s'agissait pas d'une explosion, mais d'un avion qui a franchi le mur du son. Are you sure you want to delete your Sputniknews.com account? You can unsubscribe at any time. A video of the actual explosion, which occurred at around 9 PM local time, has been widely shared on social media. L'explosion due à une fuite de gaz survenue samedi dans une boulangerie du 9e arrondissement de Paris a fait une quatrième victime. Earlier, Twitter users from Paris reported hearing a major "blast" in the capital, audible all over the city and its environs. Bolsonaro Suggests Vaccinated People Could Turn Into 'Crocodiles', Who Wore It Better? Eyewitnesses reported their buildings rocking and people from several central districts as well as in nearby suburbs reported hearing the blast. A “large explosion of unknown source” was heard in Paris and surrounding suburbs in France on Wednesday, 30 September 2020 during the French Open. It contains details about the types of data we collect, how we use it, and your data protection rights. Users are obliged abide by national and international laws. "A very loud noise was heard in Paris and in the Paris region. The administration has the right to block a user’s access to the page or delete a user’s account without notice if the user is in violation of these rules or if behavior indicating said violation is detected. PARIS — An explosion Friday in the center of the French city of Lyon left at least 13 people injured, and an anti-terrorism probe has been launched, authorities said. An explanation of the actions which were in violation of the rules above and resulted in the lock. Explosion in Paris Linda Masemore Pirrung (2009) ISBN 9781440140747 Reviewed by Carol Hoyer, PhD, for Reader Views (7/09) From the moment readers start to read they will find themselves caught up in the life of Mitch and Angie – a couple who fell madly in love and dreamed of a wonderful life together. Des fenêtres qui tremblent, des joueurs de Roland-Garros qui s’arrêtent, tout Twitter qui signale avoir entendu ce qui ressemble à une explosion... Mais il s’agissait d’un avion de chasse. Smoke was seen rising above an apartment block in the middle of the city shortly after 12.30pm local time Friday (11.30am UK time). Ce samedi matin, une explosion dans le 9e arrondissement de Paris a fait quatre morts et une cinquantaine de blessés. Donc là tout Paris a tremblé et a entendu l'explosion de fou ? Un très fort bruit d’explosion a été entendu à Paris et en Île-de-France. Les Twittos, témoins ou non, se sont empressés de réagir. PARIS-EXPLOSION. Une forte détonation a été entendue à Paris, provoquant notamment l'emballement des réseaux sociaux. September 30, 2020 The sound of the "blast" was caught on video during the Stan Wawrinka vs Dominik Koepfer tennis match in the second round of the 2020 French Open. Twitter : Il y a quelques instants une explosion a retenti dans le cente de Paris. Explosion rips through flats in Paris sending fireball across street Jen Mills Sunday 7 Apr 2019 8:42 am Share this article via facebook Share this article via twitter Share this article via messenger (Rédaction de Paris) France - Faits divers Enorme bruit d'explosion entendu à Paris : c'était un avion de chasse . Le bruit d’explosion qui a été entendu peu avant midi à Paris est sur toutes les lèvres, il a même réussi à donner lieu à près de deux heures de débats sur BFM TV.Il est également le sujet en Top Tendance sur Twitter. Bruit d'explosion à Paris : ... en précisant que l'avion de chasse avait "passé le mur du son à l'est de Paris". "In any case, I just felt a huge explosion which made our barge vibrate on the Seine here.". Footage of a French Open match between Stan Wawrinka and Dominik Koepfer shows the pair pause after a loud, low bang can be heard in the background. A fast-moving fire caused an explosion at a residential building in Paris. Mgr Benoist de Sinety, vicaire général du diocèse de Paris, revient sur la violente évacuation de centaines de migrants lundi 23 novembre, place de la République à Paris. By clicking on the "Accept & Close" button, you provide your explicit consent to the processing of your data to achieve the above goal. PARIS, France – Two firefighters have died and dozens more people were injured after a gas leak caused an explosion in Paris, emergency services in … Paris boom: Buildings shake across French capital after huge blast heard A LARGE bang was heard rippling across Paris, France, sparking panic in the city. The jet had been authorised to break the sound barrier, the spokesperson added.​​. Users are obliged to speak respectfully to the other participants in the discussion, readers and individuals referenced in the posts. The fact of registration and authorization of users on Sputnik websites via users’ account or accounts on social networks indicates acceptance of these rules. Bruit de l’explosion dans Paris 6 pic.twitter.com/C4myChV9iL — Studio Danielle (@_StudioDanielle) September 30, 2020 #explosion widely felt in southern Paris area at 11:57, here recorded bu the @raspishake infrasonic sensor RD44E @LastQuake pic.twitter.com/QiZU4gJ2wL (@ALeaument) September 30, 2020. Voici en quoi consiste exactement ce phénomène observé aujourd’hui à Paris. 'You Never Know': US Army Scrutinises Resilience of New COVID Strain to Vaccines, Superstar Akshay Kumar Woos Fans as He Dons The Mughal Avatar & Swirls at Iconic Taj Mahal - Video, All Eyes on China, India as Nepal's Ruling Communist Party Heads for a Split, London Stock Market Takes Dive Amid New COVID Strain Fears, 'Immortalised With the Greatest': Cristiano Ronaldo 'Humbled' to Win Golden Foot 2020, Losing Jaw Bones and Eyesight: 9 Dead, Over 100 Hospitalised as Rare Fungal Disease Spreads in India, Invasion? A powerful explosion apparently caused by a gas leak blew apart a Paris bakery on Saturday, killing three people and injuring dozens as it blasted … N'encombrez pas les lignes de secours !" ​The sound of the "blast" was caught on video during the Stan Wawrinka vs Dominik Koepfer tennis match in the second round of the 2020 French Open. "A very loud noise was heard in Paris and in the Paris region. Update: It was a sonic boom. While initially it was thought to be an explosion, the Frech Police confirmed that a sonic boom from a military jet caused the massive noise in Paris. Since you already shared your personal data with us when you created your personal account, to continue using it, please check the box below: If you do not want us to continue processing your data, please click here to delete your account. L'avion pris en chasse par un Rafale en raison d'un problème de transmission radio, a atterri à Saint-Brieuc (Côtes d'Armor) ce mercredi 30 septembre. To contact the team of moderators, write to moderator@sputniknews.com, Get push notifications from Sputnik International, https://cdn1.img.sputniknews.com/img/07e4/07/1d/1080008330_0:87:1280:807_1200x675_80_0_0_f0330d98395a9d7fee3870ff7a9901fe.jpg.webp, https://cdn2.img.sputniknews.com/i/logo.png, https://sputniknews.com/europe/202009301080619487-major-explosion-heard-in-paris-reports-say/. Subject - the restoration of account / unlock access. Immense peine pour @Pompiers de Paris qui sont confrontés à un réseau gazier dangereux », a-t-il également indiqué sur Twitter. Partout en Île-de-France ce mercredi 30 septembre 2020, aux alentours de midi, de nombreux Parisiens et Franciliens ont entendu ou ressenti une sorte d'explosion. A major blast was heard in Paris that reverberated over the entire city. According to a Defence Ministry spokesperson, the sound heard all over Paris on Wednesday was caused by a Rafale fighter attending to another aircraft in need. Bruit d'explosion entendu à Paris et en Île-de-France : c'était un avion de chasse . Residents fled flats in Boulevard Macdonald near the Gare du Nord Eurostar hub in Paris … To improve the performance of our website, show the most relevant news products and targeted advertising, we collect technical impersonal information about you, including through the tools of our partners. Paris boom: Buildings shake across French capital after huge blast heard A LARGE bang was heard rippling across Paris, France, sparking panic in the city. Un témoin raconte à « 20 Minutes » ce qu’il a vécu… It was not an explosion, it was a fighter jet crossing the sound barrier," Paris police posted on their Twitter account. Among those found dead are; one 40-year-old woman, one 45-year-old woman, three children ages ten, 14, and 18, one woman in her 80s who lived on the bottom floor, one man in his fifties, and one more adult. Terrified Parisians called the emergency services to report the explosion. Un bruit très important à été entendu à Paris … Twitter : Il y a quelques instants une explosion a retenti dans le cente de Paris. You can restore your account within 30 days by following the link sent to the e-mail address you entered during registration. Another person said that their boat shook in the water after the bang. "Un bruit très important à été entendu à Paris et en région parisienne. 'Yellow Vests' March in Paris as Military Join Police. A fast-moving fire caused an explosion at a residential building in Paris. Explosion rips through flats in Paris sending fireball across street Jen Mills Sunday 7 Apr 2019 8:42 am Share this article via facebook Share this article via twitter Share this article via messenger But there was another side of Mitch Angie didn’t know about. PARIS, 30 septembre (Reuters) - Une violente explosion d'origine inconnue a été entendue mercredi à Paris et dans sa proche banlieue, rapportent des témoins. The collapsed four-story building is known to have injured eleven, four of which were serious. Torrential showers and gales are set to batter Britain as the kick off to a chilly weekend. THE Met Office has two weather warnings in place for today ahead of heavy rain. CHANGE LANGUAGE. "There is no explosion, it is about a fighter plane which crossed the sound barrier. Ça va rentrer dans le sud ouest FAAAAAST — KC Karnage (@Karnagemvp) September 30, 2020. If the moderators deem it possible to restore the account / unlock access, it will be done. ... Poster Reveal Leaves Twitter Confused. Il s’agissait d’un Rafale franchissant le mur du son. Préfecture de Police tweeted: "A very important noise was heard in Paris and in the Paris region. explains more about how we use your data, and your rights.