Experiment, understand the ins and outs of luxury and move forward in your career. L’alternance est possible, ce qui offre un atout majeur pour l’intégration professionnelle. Combining social media outreach, and the amount of times Chinese consumers shop online, it’s not surprising why an increasingly amount of luxury businesses are focusing on China as their next big market. The Specialized Master's Degree in Fashion & Luxury Management, offered in French, is the flagship course for those who wish to study management of creative industries (Fashion, Luxury, Beauty...). Master. Master Luxury Management - Paris School of Business. Master in Luxury Management is a postgraduate degree in a trendy and challenging field. Become an expert in luxury with a program that offers a true multi-campus, multi-cultural experience within the heart of the international luxury industry. Follow a Masters/MS/MBA in Luxury Management Programs that specialize in luxury management are constructed to provide a platform for exploring the market of global, luxury goods. +, The Master program "Made in Italy, Fashion and Luxury Management” (MIFL), presented entirely in English, is a first-level University Master. Located in the heart of International Geneva, half-way between Paris and Milan, close to the most prestigious actors in the world of Luxury, Geneva School of Business administration offers you a unique program.. Please refine your filters. Présentation du Master Management du Luxe. Video interview with the program director. The Master of Science (M.Sc.) Discover the admission process for our Masters program in Luxury Management & Marketing. +, The luxury market is in transition and constantly evolving its marketing practices, which means that students must take a sectorial marketing approach when operating in this i EFAP . Institut Français de la Mode is a state-recognized institution of higher education and the MSc in International Fashion & Luxury Management is registered at level 7 “Master level” with the Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP). Apply now! Luxury Management in France. The Master program "Made in Italy, Fashion and Luxury Management” (MIFL), presented entirely in English, is a first-level University Master. Whether you already have professional experience as a manager or you’re a fresh beginner, you will learn to understand the world of luxury management better. ... Why Mastère Spécialisé® and Master of Science programs are anti-crisis weapons? The MSc Fashion & Luxury program is taught primarily in English, with a largely international cohort, whereas the Mastère Spécialisé Management de la Mode & du Luxe is taught primarily in French. Assimilez les fondamentaux de l'industrie du luxe au sein du MSc in Luxury Management & Marketing d'emlyon business school et développez une vision globale et internationale du secteur du luxe grâce à des compétences-clés obtenues au sein de hubs internationaux comme Paris, Londres ou New-York ou Rome ou encore Shanghai. The Master of Science in Luxury Industries Marketing and Management (L2M) will train competent executives who understand the challenges behind internationalization of a brand and digitalization both in the marketing approach and distribution. Follow us on social … It prepares students for positions related to creative and brand management, product design, retail, communications and media. Ces métiers peuvent aussi t'intéresser. Master Management du Luxe. Consulter le programme complet du Master en Management International et l'ensemble des informations nécessaires sur cette formation à la FGES Lille. 26 Ottobre 2020. MIP Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business - NEOMA Business School . Luxury and fashion are fascinating sectors that, despite economic downturns, show interesting opportunities for employment and the development of engaging and stimulating careers. Master This program will offer advanced knowledge and skills in the field of management, marketing, customer relations, and communication. 5 . Available spots. Home; Country; France; Luxury Management; Key icons . En outre, vous serez invités à prendre un stage dans certaines des plus grandes sociétés de marques de luxe et d'approfondir vos connaissances dans ce domaine. 24 . Mastère Management de la mode et du luxe of Studialis-Galileo Global Education France - LISAA ranked n°30 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking Fully international and directly connected to the business world, EDHEC is a school for business, rather than a business school, where excellence in teaching and research focuses on innovation to stimulate entrepreneurship and creativity. Master 207 Luxury Management - Université Paris-Dauphine, Paris (Paris, France). The Institut Superieur de Marketing du Luxe, also known as Sup de Luxe, is a school which provides luxury management programs, Bachelor to MBA.Sup de Luxe is part of the EDC Paris Business School.The institute is a 'chair Cartier' and was created by professionals working in the luxury goods sector. The main sectors of this profession consists of business, marketing, finance, advertisement, management, and most notably, fashion. The INSEAD Master in Management is more than a programme, it is a journey that starts with who you are, and leads to what you want to achieve. Look at the options listed below and contact your preferred school already today! In fashion concentrating students, they learn the ins-and-outs of the fashion business and establish unique strategies that help grow those enterprises. Master Luxury Management - Paris School of Business. Fashion and luxury have played important roles in society for centuries. Le master est accessible après avoir validé une licence à la Faculté de Gestion, Economie & Sciences de Lille ou en admission parallèle. The industry is estimated to grow between 7% and 9% per year. Derniers diplômes obtenus par les membres de notre panel avant d'accéder à ce poste. Would you like to get to know the world of luxury, together with its related business areas, culture and expertise, better? +, The Swiss School of Management adopts the mission of being a leading provider of business education and training, with a focus on international business and management. Sup de Luxe Paris . Dans un monde qui va de plus en plus vite et où le digital occupe une place croissante, les métiers liés à l’événementiel et à l’image dans les domaines du design et de la mode, sont en perpetuelle évolution et de plus en plus axés sur le numérique. This Masters offers a true multi-campus, multi-cultural experience within the heart of the international luxury industry. In addition, the MSc Fashion & Luxury program focuses mainly upon the strategies and operations of premium and luxury brands while the Mastère Spécialisé Management de la Mode & du Luxe covers a … Apply. Mastère Management de la mode et du luxe of Studialis-Galileo Global Education France - LISAA ranked n°30 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking 15.000 € + IVA Sconto del 20% per domande di ammissione inviate entro il 08/01/21. With elements such as advertisement strategy, communication skills, and innovative thinking, you are given an in-depth insight into how to effectively manage and position a unique brand. Le programme en deux ans offre un contenu à la fois technique et pratique tourné et appliqué exclusivement au secteur du luxe. At the end of this cycle, you will be knowledge-worthy about: The professional environment of art market. The Master in International Business and Management is open to any Belgian or foreign student in possession of a university Bachelor or equivalent degree in economics, management or a related field. However since workers would be dealing with luxury brands and companies, however it’s in its own world of potential job hiring’s, due to the size of the consumer pool. L'école propose également des cycles certifiants en communication et digital, à l'attention des professionnels. The Specializing Master involves the deepening of issues related to the design of a new kind of marketing and management in the luxury sector, with the involvement of transversal disciplines and according to themes and strategies belonging to the two fields of Design and Economic Management. ... Focusing on business management skills and consumer attitudes to luxury products, with an emphasis on design and creativity, this program prepares you for the projection of a brand. International Master in Luxury Management . An 18 month Luxury management graduate program delivered by emlyon business school to become an expert in luxury. Follow a Masters/MS/MBA in Luxury Management. Operating from campuses in Lille, Nice, Paris, London and Singapore, EDHEC is one of the world’s top 15 European business schools. The programme aims to develop an innovative approach to the professional luxury brand management of luxury consumable goods (cars, cosmetics, drinks, fashion, fragrances, handbags, jewellery, luggage, yachts and watches). Fashion & Luxury Business offers you management courses and specialized courses in fashion. ... Gualino). The program is designed to give students a strong foundation in Luxury Management , making them understand the theoretical framework, the principles of luxury dynamics, the luxury customers, and the … Présentation du master Luxury Management avec Valérie HAIE, la responsable du master. +. Here’s the programme for you: MSc International Master in Management (IMM) – if you also want to major in finance, marketing, strategy or more European and International Business Management Master (EIBM) - If you’re looking for a European trilingual (English, French & Spanish) experience Master in Management (Grande École Programme) – if you also want a double degree with … Spécialité(s): Management du Luxe, Management du Vin et de la … PSB permet de se spécialiser dès le Master 1 dans le secteur de Luxe en plein essor avec un double diplôme avec le LIM Collège de New-York offrant une valeur ajoutée ... Présentation du master Luxury Management avec Valérie HAIE, la responsable du master. It focuses on how the luxury industry interacts with the economic, cultural and technological environments of the twenty-first century, the characteristics of today’s luxury consumer and the resonances generated by high-end goods and … Master Luxury Management. The programme aims to develop an innovative approach to the professional luxury brand management of luxury consumable goods (cars, cosmetics, drinks, fashion, fragrances, handbags, jewellery, luggage, yachts and watches). Monaco, situated between France and Italy on the French Riviera, is a dynamic and multicultural environment where students can learn and experience the luxury industry at the highest level. No programs meet your search criteria. Il est possible de se spécialiser en gemmologie, en parfumerie, en joaillerie, en cosmétologie, en horlogerie, … The fashion and luxury industry is a sector in constant expansion. Les étudiants de Master dans les programmes de biens de luxe d'explorer des secteurs tels que le vin, la nourriture, la mode, les … Programme Objectives The goal of our Master Marketing: New Luxury & Art de Vivre is to train marketing specialists for the luxury industry with both an excellent knowledge of the sociological and cultural aspects of luxury and a deep understanding of the issues of sustainability and responsibility. Ces diplômes de Master of Science sont également conçus pour répondre aux besoins des marques de luxe qui recherchent la nouvelle génération de dirigeants internationaux. +, The Specializing Master involves the deepening of issues related to the design of a new kind of marketing and management in the luxury sector, with the involvement of transver Its main objective is to train professionals and provide them with strong skills in the fashion and luxury field, in order to identify new business opportunities in international markets and to build and manage projects in creative industries with premium strategies.