American physicists Clinton Davisson and Lester Germer and English physicist George Paget Thomson all proved that de Broglie had been correct. His plans, however, were interrupted by World War I, during which time he served in a wireless telegraphy unit stationed at the Eiffel Tower. Kubli, Fritz. Louis de Broglie published more than 150 scientific papers, about thirty books, and many philosophical and historical studies as well as numerous popular accounts, biographical notes, and obituaries. De Broglie wished to believe in a deterministic atomic physics, where matter behaves according to certain identifiable patterns. Joliot’s father, Henri Joliot, took part in the Commune of Paris at the end of the Franco-Prussian War and was obliged to spend several…, Tournefort, Joseph Pitton De As explained by historian Olivier Darrigol, there did exist at the time interpretations of the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization conditions, and some might have helped Louis in reaching his own (specifically Marcel Brillouin’s “hereditary field” mechanism, or Einstein’s considerations of the multivaluedness of the action). De Broglie was elected a member of the Academy of Sciences in 1933 (section des sciences mécaniques), and was elected its permanent secretary in 1942 (division des sciences mathématiques; he resigned this charge in 1975). . "Broglie, Louis (Victor Pierre Raymond) De Paris: Lavoisier, 1994. - ℹ - Biographie : Mathématicien, physicien et académicien français (1892-1987). De Broglie devised a mathematical formula, the matter wave relation, to summarize his findings. English translation: Introduction to the Vigier Theory of Elementary Particles, translated by Arthur J. Knodel. This was, however, increasingly perceived as a marginal research program, even in his own country, where quantum theoreticians preferred to stick to more mainstream physics, less fundamental and closer to the wealth of new experimental data emerging in the 1950s. His family, from a noble Italian (Piedmont) lineage, the Broglia, settled in France when Francesco Maria Broglia followed … In 1913, he obtained his Licencié ès Sciences from the University of Paris's Faculté des Sciences. His private laboratory was renowned for pioneering research on x-ray spectra, and the young Louis there became familiar with the most advanced techniques of the field. In 1943, anxious to forge stronger links between industry and science and to put modern physics, especially quantum mechanics, to practical use, de Broglie established a center within the Henri Poincaré Institute dedicated to applied mechanics. physics. World of Microbiology and Immunology. Victor de Broglie (1785-1870) Country : France: Language : français: Gender : masculin: Birth : Paris, 28-11-1785: Death : Paris, 25-01-1870: Note : Homme politique, nommé pair à vie en 1814, plusieurs fois ministre sous la Restauration. After that time, the family served the French kings and then the French state in military and diplomatic affairs. Throughout his career, de Broglie wrote an impressive number of specialized books, together with more general accounts aimed at popularizing modern twentieth-century physics and discussing its philosophical issues. In his thesis, de Broglie postulated that all matter—including electrons, the negatively charged particles that orbit an atom's nucleus —behaves as both a particle and a wave. “Fifty Years of Matter Waves.” PhysicsToday 27 (1974): 38–45. Encyclopedia of World Biography. As a young scientist de Broglie had believed that the statistical nature of modern physics masks our ignorance of the underlying reality of the physical world, but for much of his life he also believed that this statistical nature is all that we can know. A versatile scientist trained in medicine and chemistry, Guettard gradually acquired knowledge of the various branc…, Joliot, Fréd Therein he also considered some thermodynamic consequences of his generalized wave-particle duality. This fact was exploited in the 1930s in the development of the electron microscope . 2 citations les plus célèbres de Louis Victor de Broglie issues de livres - paroles - discours et entretiens. Paris: Lavoisier, 1994. However, Louis soon felt that it could prove crucial for better understanding the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization scheme, which selected, among a continuity of classical motions, only a discrete range of quantically allowed ones. © 2019 | All rights reserved. His writings also include works on X rays, gamma rays, atomic particles, optics, and a history of the development of contemporary physics. Until the emergence of the quantum theory, physicists had assumed that matter was … Although he saw his ideas extended and vindicated, his conception of the meaning of his research and how it should be continued was increasingly at odds with the views of his peers. Singapore and River Edge, NJ: World Scientific, 2002. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Volume 34, 1988. His work in his brother’s laboratory was instrumental in providing him with firsthand knowledge of some aspects of the new phenomenology, essentially those related to the study of x-ray absorption and of the x-ray-induced photo-electric effect. Translated by G. Reece. Tout savoir sur le patronyme BROGLIE Fréquence du patronyme BROGLIE: Ce patronyme est présent 43 632 fois sur Geneanet ! 12 Jan. 2021 . These accounts did not stir up much reaction from the community. How to say de Broglie in English? Certitudes et incertitudes de la science. After early education in Paris he entered the Sorbonne, where, as he intended to become a civil servant, he read history and graduated in that subject in 1910. Louis de Broglie (In full:Louis-Victor-Pierre-Raymond, 7th duc de Broglie) was an eminent French physicist. Louis-Victor de Broglie was the son of Victor, duc de Broglie, and Pauline d’Armaillé; he was the younger of two brothers in a family of five children. In the second communication, “Quanta de lumière, diffraction et inter-férences,” dated 24 September, de Broglie discussed the relationship between the propagation of the particle and that of its associated wave. De Broglie was a thorough lecturer who addressed all aspects of wave mechanics. In spite of the agreement of de Broglie’s results with the data, Niels Bohr’s close followers from Copenhagen and Munich found his derivations rather unorthodox, if not simply inconsistent with the subtle usage of Bohr’s correspondence principle. The context of this research was the further study of the atomic structure, where investigation of the inner energy levels was made possible using x-rays instead of visible light. Wave characteristics, however, are detectable only at the atomic level, whereas the classical, ballistic properties of matter are apparent at larger scales. The brothers frequently discussed x rays, and their dual nature (both wavelike and particle-like behavior) suggested to Louis that this same particle-wave duality might also apply to particles such as electrons. “De Broglie’s Causal Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics.” Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie 14 (1989): 343–360. (Biography) Prince Louis Victor (lwi viktɔr). In 1933, he accepted the specially created chair of theoretical physics at the Henri Poincaré Institute—a position he would hold for the next twenty-nine years—where he established a center for the study of modern physical theories. Pronunciation of de Broglie with 2 audio pronunciations, 3 synonyms, 1 meaning, 5 translations, 4 sentences and more for de Broglie. Recherches d’un demi-siècle. After two years of lecturing at the Sorbonne, Louis was appointed maître de conferences in 1928 to teach theoretical physics at the Institut Henri Poincaré, which had been just created in Paris and was devoted to mathematical and theoretical physics. To develop his proposal, Broglie started from the principle that electrons had a dual nature between wave and particle, similar to light. Instead of being released after the regular three years of service, he stayed in the army until 1919. It also provided a basis for understanding why this model failed for more complex systems. He was awarded the 1929 Nobel Prize for Physics. Soon, however, deeply impressed by Henri Poincaré’s writings, he changed his mind and enrolled in the Faculty of Sciences, studying physics and mathematics in the years 1911–1913. To start with, an “internal” periodic process could be associated with a particle of rest mass m0 if one defined its frequency v0 by the Bohr quantum condition (where c is the speed of light,h the Planck constant). Chemistry: Foundations and Applications. In his communications of 1923, and later in his 1924 PhD thesis, de Broglie did not want to commit himself to any physical interpretation of the waves. Heisenberg’s Uncertainties and the Probabilistic Interpretation ofWave Mechanics. Aiming at deriving Planck’s law from a purely corpuscular standpoint, de Broglie was eventually able to derive only its low-density approximation, Wien’s law, because he did not take into account the only later-derived quantum Bose statistics. Guillemin, Victor, The Story of Quantum Mechanics, Scribner, 1968. Son représentant le plus illustre est Louis-Victor de Broglie (1892-1987), 7 ème duc de Broglie, fils du 5 ème duc de Broglie et frère du sixième, physicien, mondialement connu pour son prix Nobel de physique , mais aussi secrétaire permanent de l’Académie des sciences et membre de l’Académie française (1944). That is, as electrons pass through a narrow slit, they spread out in a wavelike pattern similar to that of diffracted light. Barreau, Hervé. (January 12, 2021). Victor-Maurice, comte de Broglie, (1647-1727), French soldier and general; Victor-François, 2nd duc de Broglie, (1718-1804), French soldier; Victor de Broglie (1756-1794), French soldier and politician Victor de Broglie (1785-1870), 3rd duc de Broglie, French statesman and diplomat Victor de Broglie (1846-1906), 5th duc de Broglie, French politician and diplomat L'orthographe des noms de famille a parfois évolué au cours des siècles. Broglie became a liberal politician during the Bourbon Restoration monarchy, and he became President of the Council and Minister of Public Worship and Education under the new July Monarchy. Introduction à la nouvelle théorie des particules de M. Jean-PierreVigier et de ses collaborateurs. Louis-Victor-Pierre-Raymond de Broglie was born into a noble French family. The Formation and Logic of QuantumMechanics. (Acad. Le duc Victor de Broglie François Guizot, historien et homme politique français (1787–1874) Ce livre numérique présente «Le duc Victor de Broglie», de François Guizot, édité en texte intégral. The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). Broglie also served as Prime Minister from March 1835 to February 1836, resigning after failing to prevent an increase in taxes. “Einstein and the Wave-Particle Duality.” Natural Philosopher 3 (1964): 3–49. De 1860 à 1864, il étudie au lycée Bonaparte où, brillant élève, il est plusieurs fois lauréat du Concours général. ." O'Connor, J. J., and Robertson, E. F. "Louis Victor Pierre Raymond duc de Broglie." As a member of the French Commission on Atomic Energy, he was a long-time advocate for the peaceful use of atomic power. World Encyclopedia. Broglie, Louis Victor de Born Aug. 15, 1892, in Dieppe. Paris: Lavoisier, 1994. Louis de Broglie the son of Victor, 5th Duc de Broglie, was born at Dieppe on August 15, 1892. Louis-Alphonse-Victor, 5 e duc de Broglie (30 octobre 1846, Rome – 26 août 1906, Broglie), est le fils aîné d'Albert, duc de Broglie.Bien qu'il n'ait pas fait la carrière politique éclatante de son père et de son grand-père, il sera député de la Mayenne. Victor de Broglie may refer to:. "Broglie, Louis Victor De (1892-1987) The Fondation Louis-de-Broglie has published a facsimile of the Annales edition together with Langevin’s report and the three 1923 academy communications: Paris: Louis-Jean, 1992. Rice, Richard E. "de Broglie, Louis de Broglie (French də brɔj) n 1. In contrast to his more experimental research, on which he collaborated with other members of Maurice’s laboratory, the theoretical ideas that would secure Louis’s fame were developed in almost total isolation. De Broglie's wave matter theory remained unproven until two separate experiments conclusively demonstrated the wave properties of electrons—their ability to diffract or bend, for example. These properties later found practical applications in the development of magnetic lenses, the basis for the electron microscope. L'esprit de Louis Victor de Broglie à … With the death of his older brother Maurice two years later, de Broglie inherited the joint titles of French duke and German prince. Cline, Barbara Lovett, Men Who Made a New Physics, University of Chicago Press, 1987. Willing to acknowledge the reality of the particles, he tried to conceive them as embodied by the singularities of the waves. Broglie, Prince Louis Victor de (1892–1987) French physicist who theorized that all elementary particles have an associated wave. In 1929 he was the first recipient of the Henri Poincaré Prize of the Académie des Sciences and in 1932, he was granted the Albert I of Monaco Prize. However, the date of retrieval is often important. : In 1919, after what he considered to be six wasted years in uniform, de Broglie returned to his scientific studies at his brother's laboratory. Alone, with Maurice, or with his collaborator Alexandre Dauvillier, Louis published numerous observations on the inner atomic levels and their occupation numbers, on the relation between absorption intensities and the number of levels and of the electrons, and on the photoelectric effect. VIII. The outbreak of World War I marked a pause in Louis’s pursuit of strictly theoretical speculations. Nobel Prize Winners in Physics, 1901–1950. Einstein immediately pronounced that de Broglie had illuminated one of the secrets of the universe. Maurice, who served for a long time in the navy’s wireless communications, arranged for him to fulfill his duties with the team at the Eiffel Tower’s radiotelegraphy station. He won the 1929 Nobel Prize for Physics. The House of Broglie is a noble French family, with his father’s death in 1906, his older brother Maurice became the 6th Ducde Broglie. His father was guillotined in 1794 during the French Revolution's "Reign of Terror", and the family lived in exile in Switzerland until after the Thermidorian Reaction ended "The Terror". He showed in particular how one could, using Lord Rayleigh’s 1900 formula for the number of stationary modes for phase waves, obtain Planck’s division of the mechanical phase space into quantum cells.