Yes, it is far away indeed. Que photographier? Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: or Search WorldCat. Eu sei que o título não é o melhor, mas eu queria apontar que durante essa viagem às partes do norte da Finlândia, encontramos renas em toda parte! Nenhum som de barcos a motor ou veículos aquáticos pessoais do lago perturbou a paz! | Reply. So romantic and beautiful! Duró 10 noches / 11 días. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Nous avons visité le cercle polaire arctique de nombreuses fois, en été, automne et hiver.L’hiver est la meilleure saison. Comment by Sartenada — October 13, 2020 @ 07:31 LIENS: Le tourisme de Pello en Laponie finlandaise Il semblait que beaucoup pensaient de la même manière que nous: maintenant ou jamais avoir une photo avec le Père Noël. | Reply, Comment by imagesbytdashfield — October 21, 2020 @ 13:27 Havia visitantes, mas poucos vieram do estrangeiro. O silêncio era palpávell. Hemos visitado el Círculo Polar Ártico muchas veces, en verano, otoño e invierno. Overall ratings of this application are for and against based on the user experiences. Comment by Linda Schaub — October 15, 2020 @ 02:19 Es triste que en todas partes los lugares estén cerrados o casi. I will visit the link and leave my comment there. In 2019, there were 4461 reindeer smashes although due to modern technique to warn about collisions of reindeers. ¿Por qué esta música en esta publicación? Alguns dias chuvosos sim. Pour ceux qui lisent l'anglais, ce livre contient une mine de renseignements scientifiques. Thank you for sharing this adventure Matti! | Reply. With Finnair, you can easily reach Fukuoka, Nagoya, Osaka, Sapporo and Tokyo via Helsinki-Vantaa Airport. Cela fait commercial .Non ? | Reply, Comment by 洋子 — October 13, 2020 @ 18:42 Il contient de nombreux tableaux des espèces avec la correspondance de leurs noms en anglais, latin et russe. It has excellent situation, because the town called Rovaniemi is near to it This makes easy to reach from Helsinki by plane. Summa summarum, we are individuals. I think you went to such an isolated place that even COVID-19 couldn’t follow you! | Reply. Here it is: Teníamos una hora libre antes de la siguiente clase una vez a la semana. Thank you. I have quite similar which can be used in -35°C / -31°F. Esta hermosa música la escuché cuando estaba en la escuela en los 60. ¿Qué sucedió allí cuando Covid-19 hizo estragos en todo el mundo? I knew that, but it was just so noticeable. Comment by Sartenada — October 16, 2020 @ 06:55 I like the colors and it’s very colorful throughout, mostly reds which make it very cheery too. General feeling: Successful vacation. A temperatura variou entre 15 ° C / 59 ° F e 26 ° C / 79 ° F. Os dias chuvosos: um dia parcialmente chuvoso. ( Log Out /  On what basis they define music is a mystery to me. Some cloudy days yes. , Comment by utesmile — October 13, 2020 @ 08:29 In my country we have few radio stations which play the music which we love. He is a very skilled guitarist in my opinion. Comment by Sartenada — October 14, 2020 @ 08:00 Thank you praising my post. Its sound was magic. Les hivers dans le cercle arctique ont ainsi lieu lorsque lhémisphère nord nest plus incliné vers le Soleil pendant sa rotation annuelle. Such a neat little post. Pros: Naturaleza pura, lago cercano, simpáticos renos, bote de remos, embarcadero hermoso, lugar tranquilo, paz propia, posibilidades de senderismo a 4 km / 2.5 mi.Contras: se necesita coche, el lugar de compras (centro comercial) más cercano a 48 km. Comment by Sartenada — October 16, 2020 @ 07:01 Winter is the best time. Translations in context of "cercle polaire Antarctique" in French-English from Reverso Context: En 1773, James Cook est le 1er navigateur à franchir le cercle polaire antarctique (66º33'39 »S). | Reply. | Reply. Nothénidae et sont réparties sur le cercle polaire dans les eaux de l'Antarctique et de l'océan Austral. Arctic raspberry is more special than cloudberry. The world of music is generally speaking interesting, it is like literature– the offer is huge, why we love this kind of literary / music, why we do not love other kind. I certainly would not call that “music” nor would I call it “singing” … in fact, I included that song in last year’s “Mutt Strut” event and that is not music by my definition, but I used the song since I used that same song for my blog title. | Reply. The Polar Circle Marathon - often referred to as "the coolest marathon on Earth" takes place in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland. Pasamos una semana en una cabaña de verano alquilada junto al lago Polojärvi en el norte. La prochaine fois, il y aura un maître de guitare finlandais. Merci de m’avoir fait un commentaire. Change ). Also, JAL flies to Helsinki, but at this moment their flights seem to / might be to suspended. It is one of the most visited place in my country. Sentiment général: vacances réussies. Anything later, I turn the radio off if they come on. We have visited the Arctic Circle many time, summer, autumn and winter. C’était dans les années 70, quand j’ai emprunté des disques à l’Institut français de Finlande à Helsinki. Me siento muy triste. Muchos autos que se acercaban parpadearon para advertir sobre los renos: ¡funcionó muy bien! There were visitors, but few coming abroad. Fotos sacadas alrededor de 800. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. The video was well done, they made the song come alive. Wao! Such beautiful photos Matti! Cercle arctique translated from French to Swedish including synonyms, definitions, and related words. I have heard “Puppy Love” and “Diana” but don’t remember hearing that song before – I like it! Hoe you are both keeping well. I looked at the costumes here – I like to see native costumes and when we had the ethnic festivals they did dance in native costumes. Beautiful photos from Santa’s territory, Satenada! La réfutation du fait que les rennes ne mangent que du lichen de renne.C’est ce que j’ai appris. Do you have any kind of these kind of dance pavilions? I am glad that you loved my post. I traveled with friends to Spain in 1974 and the woman was born in Spain and moved to the states when she married an American serviceman. But they stopped doing that. Comment by Sartenada — October 14, 2020 @ 07:09 3 janv. Eh bien, pas si étrange, parce que j’y suis habitué!!! These dance pavilions are mainly by the shores of beautiful lakes. | Reply. Amazing how few other people were there. Beaucoup d’entre eux sont de la musique instrumentale pour aider les personnes qui ne peuvent pas comprendre les paroles de la chanson. It must be truly magical. Took lessons when we lived in Canada and when we moved to the U.S., there were no places to continue the lessons, so the accordion is sitting downstairs in its case. En 2019, hubo 4461 choques de renos aunque gracias a la tecnología moderna advertimos a los automovilistas sobre posibles colisiones de renos. Fue triste ver que vacío lo estaba, visitantes faltantes. Hi Matti – We are in agreement – I do not understand the music today … it is rap music, or just spoken words and it appears that there is no talent involved. We tried to visit Santa, but he was too busy with families which wanted a photo of him. Comment by Sartenada — October 19, 2020 @ 06:36. Well, this verifies how wide variety music is in our world! Y avait-il beaucoup de moustiques? I have been trying to get to sleep earlier and tonight likely won’t make it to Reader at all, since I did a post today … have a good day tomorrow Matti. This is a picture of me playing the accordion … I think it was taken the same day as the photo taken with Skippy the parakeet, in Friday’s post: Un gran abrazo. Sorry, you didn’t get to talk to Santa. Last time there were four. My music corner or better said music from my Memory Lane. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Autoplay is paused. | Reply. | Reply. | Reply. Esta versão que apresento agora é tocada por Geoff Reeves de Portsmouth, Reino Unido. Comment by Stella — October 13, 2020 @ 10:58 A lo largo de los años la técnica se ha desarrollado, lo que significa que los videos musicales hoy en día son excelentes. Search. But every summer we have these: BTW, Paul Anka, who was Canadian-American singer, visited Helsinki in August 1959. Many of them are instrumental music due to help people who cannot understand lyrics of the song. I like that and I like the great background while he played on that electric guitar. Passamos com alguns de meus colegas de escola em um bar próximo equipado com uma Jukebox. I am glad that you loved my music from my memory lane. Comment by Sartenada — October 13, 2020 @ 08:44 Esto es lo que me han enseñado. Now, I want to taste cloudberries! Comment by tanjabrittonwriter — October 16, 2020 @ 01:51 Have a great week (and weekend)! Comment by Stella — October 14, 2020 @ 09:29 Photos prises environ 800. My next post shows something which always amaze drivers thru the forests and forests. L'axe reste parallèle à lui-même. Le silence était palpable. You were the third who loved it in this post. Quand on trouve combien de fois nous y sommes allés, il doit y avoir quelque chose de magique – vraiment. Happy Sunday! | Reply. We thoroughly enjoyed Moomin World when we visited and I’ll bet we’d have enjoyed the Arctic Circle too. Bem, decidia filmar principalmente sinais. There small boutiques closed Let’s how long this situation lasts. Les plus grandes villes, d'après les données de 2015, sont Mourmansk (305 000 habitants), Norilsk (176 000 habitants) et Tromsø (72 000 habitants), respectivement en Russie et en Norvège. À cette période de lannée, la rondeur de la Terre crée une zone dombre permanente autour du pôle Nord. projection azimutale équivalente de Lambert,, Article contenant un appel à traduction en norvégien, Portail:Information géographique/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Rainy days: one day partly rain. Esta versión que presento hoy es interpretada por Geoff Reeves de Portsmouth, Reino Unido. | Reply. Inconvénients de Porokello (mon opinion personnelle): Donne un faux sentiment de sécurité. Anyway, it is nice that you visited it virtually thru my pics. Amazing! Comment by Sartenada — October 15, 2020 @ 06:43 You can also check the schedule, technical details and many more. Photos taken about 800. Le cercle arctique traverse les pays suivants, en partant de 0° de longitude et en se dirigeant vers l'est : Globalement, les territoires situés plus au nord que le cercle arctique sont peu habités. The trip is short about 8 kilometers. Havia muitos mosquitos lá? | Reply, Ne trouves tu pas étrange, Matti, que noêl soit fêté toute l’ année et non seulemt le 25 Décembre ? The English for cercle polaire arctique is Arctic Circle. Le cercle arctique marque la limite sud du jour polaire lors du solstice de juin et de la nuit polaire lors du solstice de décembre. Il est vrai que Noël n’est qu’une fois par an. TrackBack URI. I find myself listening to songs that we here in the States call “oldies” and that may be from the 1950s through the 1970s … those songs I remember from hearing them so much and I know them by heart.

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