It does so because it accepts the moral,obligation of making provision for the needs of the old and the weak. My name is Clark, and I will tell you about my city.I live in an apartment. On Monday, I go to work. If you Enable Autocorrection, common spelling errors will be corrected as you type. Signalez des exemples à modifier ou à retirer. L’épreuve dure 20 minutes : le candidat devra restituer les enjeux fondamentaux du texte, en faire u… Meanwhile we have to think not only of expanding our,social services where it is necessary, but we must also review our existing services so,as to eliminate avoidable waste, and get the greatest value for money. Provision must always be made, in some way or,another, for the exceptional case, while opportunities for local action and voluntary,We must also consider priorities within the main groups of the social services. I work at the post office. Commentaires. Les traductions vulgaires ou familières sont généralement marquées de rouge ou d’orange. Retrouvez le corrigé Commentaire de texte en anglais 2002 sur Le texte qui lui est proposé est un article récent qui traite de sujets sociaux, culturels ou politiques. The new girl : COMPRÉHENSION /41 remis sur 20 1. They further the principle of,human equality and they relieve distress and suffering. It does so,because it believes in the economic gain to the whole community as well as to the,individual concerned of public spending on the social services. As,transfer incomes amounted to as much as 54 per cent of the national income in 1950-,51 only 11 per cent of the national income was in fact spent by the Government,directly on the other Social Services including food subsidies. This, and many other problems of a similar character, have to be,decided, and it is the purpose of this pamphlet to consider some of the issues of policy,Many critics do not openly attack the great work of Social Welfare legislation of the,Labour Government. POUR LE SUJET: L'homme est-il réellement libre ? Lecture Écoute Vocabulaire anglais des affaires. There is still much avoidable distress,for which social action and social effort are needed. In particular it should be noted that,Social Service outlay, both by central and local government, on the widest possible.definition, ... accounts for less than half the budget of national and local authorities.Moreover the amounts shown as transfer incomes are, of course, incomes which were,spent by the public in the way they thought fit and not by the Government at all. Le candidat dispose de 20 minutes de préparation. Anglais. Traductions en contexte de "Ce sera corrigé" en français-anglais avec Reverso Context : Notez que nous sommes forcé de tester l'ordre en même temps. For,instance, given the limited resources available, would it be better to raise the school-,leaving age to sixteen or to make provision for children to start in nursery classes at,the age of three? Such taxation is undesirable, they,say, it reduces incentives and it removes from the citizen the responsibility of spending,his own money, which instead the State spends for him. Tous les droits sont réservés. But we need to be ready,to do more than that. A responsible attitude towards the,services can be developed only if we can feel a much closer contact with and pride in.them, not merely as users but as providers, too.We are proud of the great structure of social welfare legislation which has been,implemented by the Labour Government, but at the same time we must guard against,complacency, as there is still much to be done. There will, of course, always be,special circumstances when an assessment of need is inevitable, but this must be the,Labour, then, reasserts its belief in the development of social services democratically,organised to meet the essential needs of the whole community and in which the whole,community participates as a matter of course. It is of,day to day concern to all of us. Pour vous abonner, merci de recharger votre compte.corrigé Commentaire de texte en anglais 2002,Histoire des styles des arts du bois 2004 Marqueteur CAP Arts du bois,Histoire des styles des arts du bois 2003 Marqueteur CAP Arts du bois,Histoire des styles des arts du bois 2001 Marqueteur CAP Arts du bois,Histoire des styles des arts du bois 2005 Marqueteur CAP Arts du bois,Arts appliqués 2003 BP - Coiffure option coloriste-permanentiste. The police keep everyone safe. Sujet de Commentaire de texte en anglais 2002. We can only achieve all these,ends by greater production through the sustained effort of the whole community. © 2013-2020 Reverso Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.Ces exemples peuvent contenir des mots vulgaires liés à votre recherche,Ces exemples peuvent contenir des mots familiers liés à votre recherche,Notez que nous sommes forcé de tester l'ordre en même temps. We must export more of our,resources in the fight to attain economic independence. When,appropriate the services must be simplified, and overlapping between various,departments must be cut out. Corrigé de la dissertation : . But.the battle ‘freedom from want’ is not yet over. The figures for Social Service expenditure of £1,896.6 million for 1949/50 and,£1,921.2 million for 1950/51 are not completely up to date. Second they suggest that comprehensive Social,Services cannot be provided without high taxation. I am happy to live in my city.S'il te plaît répondre les questions de compréhension:S'il te plaît répondre à toutes les questions sur le texte:©2017-2020 Some may still consider,that this proportion is too high. Much more has to be done to explain the work of the services,and how they affect each one of us as individuals. Children don't go to school on the weekend. A recent survey of Social,Service expenditure carried out by the International Labour Office covering over,twenty nations indicates that some other countries are spending a larger percentage,than this on Social Services. Par exemple, si vous écrivez à priori.Use this submenu to utilize autocorrection options. Sujet de Commentaire de texte en anglais 2002. The city where I live. And it does so because,it believes that as we develop our social services we can encourage a growing,understanding of our common needs and reduce the pressure of the narrow personal.acquisitive instincts of a capitalist society.We recognise, however, that this aim can only be achieved over a period of time and,with the positive encouragement of a much closer association of the social services,with effective local democracy. Social Service expenditure is an human capital, the most valuable capital that a people have.However hard we try we can only get a pint out of a pint pot. The doctors and nurses take care of them. EXEMPLES DE RECHERCHE. First they,argue that the Social Services cost too much and are an important influence on our,balance of payments difficulties. Traductions en contexte de "commentaire de texte" en français-anglais avec Reverso Context : [xiv] Ce texte commenté comme ce commentaire de texte, tendent à définir les grandes lignes d'une démarche à un instant donné. Social Service expenditure,accounted for about 16 per cent of the national income in those years and a fair,estimate for the present day would be about 17-18 per cent. There are others no less important and,less urgent. Instead they concentrate their criticism on two points. En tout cas, je comprends maintenant pourquoi je me tape toujours de sales notes en anglais, je n'ai jamais su à quoi devrait ressembler un commentaire de texte, n'ayant jamais vu d'exemple. The balance,of payments battle is not something remote that only concerns financial experts. LE SITE D'AIDE A LA DISSERTATION ET AU COMMENTAIRE DE TEXTE EN PHILOSOPHIE Dissertations. I live in an apartment. We do not think so. That was the secret behind the effort of the British people in,wartime and under a Labour Government. They also eat at the restaurant. At the same time, we must not allow our welfare services,to become cold, impersonal or hidebound. Un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe est nécessaire pour lire intégralement cet ouvrage.Vous avez désormais accès à des centaines de milliers,N'oubliez pas de télécharger notre application pour lire,3 pages,Cet ouvrage peut être téléchargé gratuitement,Concours de la Fonction Publique Agrégation (Externe). Quelle langue veux-tu apprendre? These estimates effectively dispose of the argument that,social services are swallowing up an unduly large part of the national income, and that,Britain is the heaviest Social Service spender. If not secure this greater output we shall not be able to extend our social services,unless it is at the expense of commitments no less vital and no less urgent. SimpleTest n'a pas encore de moyen pour éviter cela, mais dans une version future ce sera corrigé. These are the evils that standardisation and,centralisation can bring with them. For example, if you entered Teh.Les exemples vous aident à traduire le mot ou l’expression cherchés dans des contextes variés. Each day, people go to the hospital when they are sick. J'ai aussi parcouru tout ton blog et c'est vraiment un blog très construit avec des articles agréables à lire et qui nous apportent toujours quelque chose. In my city, there is a post office where people mail letters. By our Social Services we can secure freedom,from want and at the same time enshrine the principle of equality on which a.democratic Socialist Society must be based.The Development of the British Welfare State.Harvester Wheatsheaf, Londres, pages 70-71.Désolé, votre crédit est insuffisant. The restaurant serves pizza and ice cream.My friends and I go to the park. SimpleTest n'a pas encore de moyen pour éviter cela, mais dans une version future,Note that we are forced to assert the order too. Where the Tories abandon the,principle of fairness we must be prepared to put things right. TAPEZ LES MOTS-CLES: homme libre POUR LE SUJET: En … Everyone shops for food at the grocery store. It should be made much easier for all who want to do,so to help in the work. Commentaire de texte en anglais 2002 Agrégation d'anglais Agrégation (Externe) : Concours de la Fonction Publique Agrégation (Externe). Our Social Services must be based on,principles of fairness that are plain for all to see. Fiches de lecture. Télécharger. The social services will need.extending in the years ahead if we are to succeed in building a fairer and juster society,and that means that they will cost more. The five giants have been subdued. However, social services are not the only,claim on the British economy at the moment. Retrouvez le,Labour ... looks upon social security and social services as the birthright of every,citizen, normally speaking without test of means. But we must never forget that increased effort can only go hand in,hand with social justice. SimpleTest does not yet have a way to avoid this, but.Cette fonction a pour rôle de tracer des points pour indiquer le caractère d'espacement de fin.This also causes dots to be drawn to indicate trailing white space.Notes C'est vérifié et il y a effectivement un bogue.Je prends bonne note de votre commentaire et,Je vous ai envoyé une lettre et j'ai reçu l'affirmation de vos services que,I sent you a note and I received confirmation from Parliament's services that,On va dire que c'était parce que j'ai lu une épreuve avancée et j'espère que,I will blame it on the fact that I was reading an early copy and hope.Si cette option est activée, les fautes d'orthographe classiques seront corrigées au cours de la frappe. My name is Clark, and I will tell you about my city. As such they bring with them a,positive economic gain to the community. a la versión en español. We like to play soccer at the park. per la versione italiana. La prise de notes se fait directement sur le texte (interlignes doubles), les brouillons sont interdits. On Fridays, we go to the cinema to see a movie. Anglais Allemand Français Espagnol Portugais Anglais des affaires Néerlandais Italien « Tous les textes. Therefore a large,expansion of expenditure on Social Services is only possible if we increase our,national income. Citations. We have to carry out our commitments within the United Nations,Organisation and contribute our share towards the efforts of the Atlantic Treaty,countries. Ils ne sont ni sélectionnés ni validés par nous et peuvent contenir des mots ou des idées inappropriés. We have to look at our own handiwork in a critical spirit and,strive when necessary to improve it. Le candidat est invité à donner un titre au document. Humane and extensive Social,Services are a safeguard for the democratic way of life. We must play our part in the struggle ‘towards world plenty’ by building up,the standard of life in the under-developed countries. En tout cas, ton blog se …

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