But what if the girl part of the girl-meets-boy...With humor, rage, and confessional detail, Virginie Despentes--in her own words "more King Kong than Kate Moss"--delivers a highly charged account of women's lives today. I stayed up all night to finish this.Finished this a few days ago and have been letting it marinate. C'est entre effroi et amusement. With her strident, pro-sex views, Despentes upsets people on the left and right. Le roman a reçu le prix de Flore en 1998 et a été porté à l’écran par Gilles Paquet-Brenner en 2001, avec Marion Cotillard et Stomy Bugsy dans les rôles titres.Virginie Despentes est l'auteur, notamment, de Baise-moi (1993, adapté au cinéma et coréalisé avec Coralie Trinh Thi), Les jolies choses (1998), Teen Spirit (2002), Bye Bye Blondie (2004, adapté au cinéma par l'auteur), King King Théorie (2006), Apocalypse bébé (2010, Prix Renaudot). Celui-là étant dans les premiers, il n'est pas extraordinaire. Elle est jurée du Prix Fémina depuis 2015. And female desire is subject to the same distortion: it must only occur via the male gaze" yet never addresses the problems that may or may not cause. The strongest sections are the ones in which she discusses her personal experiences with sexual violence and sex work, but even there, a lot of generalisations are made about how women respond to these things, which i feel does a great disservice to the multitudinous ways in which women cope with the patriarchy. Un choc. "Pro-maternity" propaganda has rarely been so extreme. Les portraits dressés des nombreux protagonistes vous sont familiers. (French) Mass Market Paperback – May 12 2016.This shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed. Claudine, the promiscuous, desirable woman eager to employ her sexuality and good looks to get ahead in life, at whatever cost. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of,Published After years of being ignored and derided, she is finally being welcomed by France’s literary establishment. This is a strong, angry, fierce, direct, raw and unapologetic piece of feministic writing - it totally captured me, its passion really got me. Ça m'a aidé à dépasser mon reading slump mais rien d'autre. This is a strong, angry, fierce, direct, raw and unapologetic piece of feministic writing - it totally captured me, its passion really got me. I would have liked to have had a bigger, better constructed argument and analysis along with her experiences. She seems to recognize this when she says that "men alone conceive of porn, direct it, watch it, and profit from it. Pretty Things sets forth the quest to become the perfect woman by twins Claudine and Pauline. In Theaters: Sep 22, 2000 wide. It's made me think, and question myself and open my mind. My hunch is that she doesn’t exist.”,Lambda Literary Award for LGBT Nonfiction (2011).C'était pas aussi renversant que je le pensais. Fucking marvellous.One hundred sixty pages that blew my mind. Net als in "Baise-moi" blijkt het hoofdpersonage niets ontziend in haar nihilisme en is ze erg hedonistisch ingesteld, bij momenten nog meer dan een Houellebecq-personage (en dat wil wat zeggen!). These main themes are (in order of the chapters) : rape, prostitution, pornography. Instead, I felt like it was a thing in within itself, never really contributing that much to the conversation other than it being a testimony.A disappointing read. She explodes common attitudes about sex and gender, and shows how modern beauty myths are ripe for rebelling against. La voix rauque de Jacques Frantz vous plonge dans l'univers rock'n'roll des eighties. This is pure homosexual projection--if they were female, what they would really find super-cool would be the power to turn on other men." » Cette allure qu'elle a, jambes sublimées, silhouette transformée. Instead, I felt li.I am sad to say this wasn't for me. Alternatively, I appreciated her inattentiveness to boring PC language patterns as modes of distraction and manipulation by anyone feeling threatened by what feminists say.a feminist must-read in my opinion. I feel invigorated. she chronicles her own very personal life and fits it to her own definition of feminism. Refresh and try again.We’d love your help. Et personne ne se rend compte qu'elle n'est pas du tout comme ça. She seemed to be arguing against the anti-porn movement as it is from a prudish / conservative standpoint as opposed to tackling it from the perspective of many feminists who are bothered by much more than the mere fact that women are taking off their clothes. À part quelques phrases sanglantes, ce livre tombe à plat pour moi. Each chapter ties back into the experiences of the author, and the general literature and discussions on these topics.I began reading this book the same week as the Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation hearings. L’une est rebelle et renfermée, l’autre est une pin-up ambitieuse. I will trust other reviewers in their claims that there are better books available by this author.Détester la terre entière tout en cherchant à plaire.Hay libros que abrasan, y este es uno de ellos. i will re-read this. Toch laat Despentes in tegenstelling tot in "Baise-moi" hier toch enige nuancering toe door af en toe wat emotie toe te laten bij haar personage. Claudine, the promiscuous, desirable woman eager to employ her sexuality and good looks to get ahead in life, at whatever cost. Virginie Despentes (French: ; born 13 June 1969) is a French writer, novelist, and filmmaker.Her work is an inventory of youth marginalization; it pertains to the sexual revolution lived by Generation X and to the acclimation of pornography in public spaces through new communication techniques. Finally, having achieved success, she rejects it for a life with the her sister's boyfriend.Pour une fois le film est bien mieux que le livre !Style assez curieux, j'ai tout de même apprécié la lecture de ce livre.Livre reçu juste après la date maximum prévue (mais à un jour près, ce n'est pas vraiment un problème).Je voulais commencer à lire Virginie Despentes qui a un certain nombre d'admirateurs. We’ve got you covered with the buzziest new releases of the day. Without children you will never be fulfilled as a woman, but bringing up kids in decent conditions is almost impossible.”,“Because this ideal of the attractive but not whorish white woman, in a good marriage but not self-effacing, with a nice job but not so successful she outshines her man, slim but not neurotic over food, forever young without being disfigured by the surgeon’s knife, a radiant mother not overwhelmed by nappies and homework, who manages her home beautifully without becoming a slave to housework, who knows a thing or two but less than a man, this happy white woman who is constantly shoved under our noses, this woman we are all supposed to work hard to resemble – never mind that she seems to be running herself ragged for not much reward – I for one have never met her, not anywhere. Despentes refuses to adhere to scholarly apologies and sterility, a characteristic that some reviewers found inappropriate. There's much more to it than that. By the end of the book, I felt some of the general points she makes about gender norms in her intro ("A Gun for Every Girl") had been contradicted or negatively reinforced by the descriptions of men and women in her examples. Her opinions about rape survivors are juvenile, rudimentary at best; similarly, her thoughts on pornography and prostitution are naive - all she seems to argue is that they aren't *inherently* degrading. Despentes is fierce and unapologetic, and I found myself agreeing with a lot of what she had to say. This is so particularly heartbreaking because it is such a true, common tale: even my own mother, a woman who I've only ever known to be strong and independent and, at least serviceably, self-caring, admits that for a long time after growing up abused she sought love in the only way she knew how: from men, using the only tools she thought she had: her femininity. As children Claudine's behaviour with a puppy could be seen as foreshadowing for her future relationship with men: she locks it away, beats it when it whines, locks it away again to see if it's learnt its lesson, then showers it with affection. I applaud Despentes for her energetic, combative style; even in the few places I didn't agree with her, I read the first third of this book in a flurry. Three years later, I checked it out from the library. August 15th 2018 I am opposed to the sex industry and think that this shallow and self-centred diatribe conveniently ignores the basis of anti-sex-work arguments in favour of casting slurs on other women.Unapologetic and engaging writing, this is definitely a favourite feminist text.I really loved this. Her most famous novel, and film of the same name is,“In much the same way, motherhood has become the essential female experience, valued above all others: giving life is where it's at. This is because her own experiences with porn and prositution differ from the "norm" - she wasn't employed by pimps, and she wasn't a porn actress. despentes is a bold, intelligent writer. In fact, I have had to order all her books from the States.Was introduced to this book on a road trip from the southern tip of Spain to Madrid, during which the roof of our car flew off and my friend shouted in Spanish the first pages of this to the other three passengers, whose heads had been swaddled in scarves to combat the wind. She barely acknowledges how traumatizing the aforementioned industries are to the women who are a part of it - i.e. T.I believe this was the first book I read that focuses specifically on feminism. basically it is 137 pages of fabulous sound bites. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account.Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read.Start by marking “King Kong Theory” as Want to Read:Error rating book. Pauline, the shoddy, but secretly talented woman who sneers at Claudine’s lifestyle and complicity in her own degradation. Give birth in cities where accommodation is precarious, schools have surrendered the fight and children are subject to the most vicious mental assault through advertising, TV, internet, fizzy drink manufacturers and so on. I do think it's valuable and important that she shared her own story, but it would have worked wonders as an introduction to an actual debate. Skip it and read Apocalypse Baby or Bye Bye Blondie instead. Mais, le temps a passé, les réseaux sociaux et le militantisme se sont développés depuis. Reading Despentes describe her rape and her reaction to it answered all those shallow Republican questions like, "Why didn't Ford file charges earlier?" C'est une critique sur l'industrie de la musique mais très superficielle, la ''leçon'' est: quand t'es belle la vie te sourit, et le message est tellement cliché qu'il est inutile.A twin sister takes on the identity of her sister, who kills herself, and becomes a punk rock star. Please try again.You're listening to a sample of the Audible audio edition. This is the currency she pays with, this is the value she extracts from men. I appreciated this slim book of punk feminist theory, even though I didn't always agree with her conclusions. Los buenos narradores usan el verbo y la elipsis y Despentes se desliza con ellos sobre tu mente, manejándolos con verdadera maestría.I like her writing style and some of the satirical observations, but I think her Vernon Subutex books are far better.Durante el primer tercio o más del libro la autora estaba consiguiendo caerme tan mal como Houellebeq y por la misma razón: la falta de empatía con el mundo mundial. [her protagonist becomes obsessed with video games to the detriment of her budding pop music career,[In the dark Claudine gloated in a taunting voice, “The little baby whose daddy forgot her . For whatever reason I was in the mood for reading something really bitchy, and this hit the mark in a truly glorious way. I think she has a tendency to generalize based on her own anecdotal experiences and that her view can be a bit narrow even as she criticizes mainstream society for generalizing and pigeonholing women. ⁣,In dit boek maken we alweer kennis met de harde, cynische, egoïstische, materialistische, nihilistische, utilitaire wereld waarin Virginie Despentes haar personages wel vaker laat rondlopen. i find myself wanting to quote her all day all the time. So now, Pauline wants to get paid and then disappear. C'est un livre très calme, sage, des fois insipide, rien ne se passe vraiment. Using her own experiences of rape, prostitution, and working in the porn industry as a.With humor, rage, and confessional detail, Virginie Despentes--in her own words "more King Kong than Kate Moss"--delivers a highly charged account of women's lives today. After Claudine kills herself, Pauline assumes her sister’s identity and finds out how truly awful men can be. Ça m'a aidé à dépasser mon reading slump mais rien d'autre. Still, I'd recommend this as a primer, to boil the blood and stir people to action, or at least gain more information and awareness about the ways we can empower women and re-calibrate society.King Kong theory is like a more mature (and French) Scum Manifesto. Welcome back. She knows how to translate her anger into theory, speaking the language of a blended punk academic feminism. There's much more to it than that. J'ai apprécié la lecture au bout d'une trentaine de pages, mais aujourd'hui je peine à me souvenir de quoi il s'agissait exactement. Elle ressemble à d'autres filles qu'elle. It explained why Kavanaugh, rather than admitting his wrong-doing, or, if he is truly blameless, requesting a full investigation, harangued his way through the day.Virginie Despentes is a French writer, novelist and filmmaker, born in Nancy, Meurthe-et-Moselle. Dat verhoogt de dramatiek enkel meer.Alors, tout d’abord, quelque chose d’inexcusable, c’est le language, le français utilisé dans cet ouvrage. Jamais auparavant elle n'avait cru que c'était possible, sortir comme ça et que personne ne s'exclame : « Mais qu'est-ce que c'est que cette imposture ? The strongest sections are the ones in which she discusses her personal experiences with sexual violence and sex work, but even there, a lot of generalisations are made about how women respond to these things, which i feel does.A disappointing read. This could be a good beach or airport read for anyone wanting to pass some time without having to read anything deep.Ce qui est vraiment bien avec Despentes, c'est que plus le temps passe, plus ses livres sont bons. exploited pornstars and prostitutes with abusive pimps. She's what I would consider to be a rock star feminist icon within French/Belgian feminism. she questions the greats, even de Beauvoir, which is sort of awesome. Her most famous novel, and film of the same name is,“Coup d'œil dans la vitrine d'une bijouterie, pleine d'or et de réveils. Virginie Despentes, Coralie Trinh Thi. Virginie Despentes has a lot to say - and she doesn't hold back.

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