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Le Code du statut personnel tunisien ( CSP ) nécessite-t-il un amendement, 60 ans après sa promulgation, à la lumière de la Constitution de 2014? Under government pressure he expressed confidence in the president and recognition that the Code represents, "In its entirely a fitting means to organize family relations." En Tunisie, le droit de la famille est réglementé par le Code du Statut Personnel. In this context, on the eve of independence there did not really exist a political movement strictly based on the demand for the rights of women. Au regard de l’article 67 du Code du statut personnel tunisien, la mère qui obtient le droit de garde n’exerce que partiellement certaines prérogatives de la tutelle, à moins que le père ne puisse assurer son rôle de tuteur. In the years following independence, women obtained the right to work, to move, to open bank accounts and to establish businesses without the permission of their husbands being sought. 104 dated 28 December 1956. 72 Invités, 0 Membres Statistiques courantes : Total des membres: 4 107 Total des messages: 18 966 Total des sujets: 5 729 Total des catégories: 22 Total des sections: 55 Rapport de partage d'une succession selon les dispositions du Code du Statut Personnel tunisien. Politique, L'égalité successorale soumise au Parlement La première chaîne mondiale d'information pour l'Afrique. Nous, peuple Tunisien, réaffirmons notre attachement aux acquis juridiques du Code du Statut Personnel (CSP). The feminist question is a recurring theme in Tunisia, more than in all the other countries of the Maghrib, and the country is from that point of view "atypical" of the region. Tunisian women hearing his call unveiled and often asked him to settle disputes with their husbands. 0000006633 00000 n
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- Code du statut personnel - Loi du 3 juin 1966 réaménageant la garde des enfants - Loi du 18 février 1981 modifiant certaines dispositions du code de statut personnel relatives au divorce et à la tutelle. These measures added to co-education in schools and as a consequence the entry of more and more young women into the workplace, involving the decline of marriage and of births of which the target was 46 per cent in 1966 and 30 per cent in 1971. He seems to renounce one of the principles of his modernization policy. Vu Notre décret du 12 juillet 1956 (30 doul hidja 1375), fixant le statut personnel des Tunisiens non musulmans et non israélites, Vu Notre décret du 3 août 1956 (25 doul hidja 1375), portant modification de certains articles du Code tunisien de procédure civile, Vu l'avis du conseil des Ministres, Les droits réels qui en résultent pour les immeubles immatriculés ne se constituent que par leur inscription sur le livre foncier. promulgation du Code du Statut Personnel. « Ayant été à l’origine du Code tunisien du statut personnel de 1956 et ayant participé directement à la confection et à la rédaction de ses principaux articles selon les directives du président Bourguiba je suis à même de vous dire très exactement dans quel esprit et selon quels principes ce Code a été élaboré…
However, in perusing "the ways and means of permitting the promotion and strengthening the achievements of women without altering our Arab Muslim identity," Ben Ali on August 13, 1993, fixed the limits he considered impassable: The Tunisian minister in charge of women and the family on February 9, 1994, affirmed for her part in the French senate and taking some liberties with history: "When Bourguiba promulgated the Code, he did so in the name of Sharia and Islam.". During a speech delivered on December 26, 1962, Bouguiba stated: "Work contributes to the emancipation of women. It seems to affirm a distinctiveness which it has followed since the beylical period which, "on the eve of the institution of the French protectorate was going to engage in a process of reforms establishing its connection to society in a modern national perspective.". It made maternal grandparents equally entitled, eliminating the concept of the patriarchal family. His ruling always inclined in favour of women and "made him all through the long decade of the sixties their tireless defender.". In Tunisia, the pursuit of political feminism is so very necessary as it constitutes a main argument in the country's favourable image in the West. 0000000016 00000 n
Le Code de statut personnel tunisien a été promulgué par la loi du 13 août 1956. "There will be no challenge and no abandonment of that which Tunisia realized to the benefit of women and the family". He gave women a unique place in Tunisian society, notably abolishing polygamy, creating a judicial procedure for divorce and requiring marriage to be performed only in the event of the mutual consent of both parties. CODE DU STATUT PERSONNELEn annexe, les textes réglementant :* L'état civil* Le régime de communauté des biens entre les époux* Le certificat médical pré Aller au contenu Les droits des enfants et des parents, d’abord ! Taking the lead in Tunisia's modernization campaign, Habib Bourguiba in each of his speeches found occasion to criticize sexist attitudes, opposing the hijab and appealing to science on the issue of virginity at marriage. Au nom du peuple, Nous, Habib Bourguiba, président de la République ... - décret du 11 août 1937 portant statut des journalistes professionnels, - décret du 28 juillet 1938, rendant applicables à la Tunisie, ... au personnel correspondant du commerce et de l’industrie. 0000007157 00000 n
In the matrimonial domain, Tunisia remains often considered as a state open to the advances of the modern world. Gouvernement Tunisien (aprueba) Descripción Clasificación Documento Índice: Code de Statut Personnel en Tunisie Indice Livre I - Du mariage- Chapitre I - Des fiançailles- Chapitre II - Du mariage. The arguments he presented there were subsequently adopted by Bourguiba in his speeches. Certainly, Tunisian public services are accessible to all without distinction of creed and the constitution guarantees religious freedom, so long as it does not threaten public order, but Islam remains the state religion, to the extent that it is said it is obligatory for the president of the republic to be able to assert it. Reforms were carried out in 1993. The new president provided proof of an extreme prudence, seeing that this is the connection that a good part of public opinion based itself in forming its judgment on the new president. Les empêchements permanents sont ceux relatifs à la parenté (de sang, par alliance ou lié à l’allaitement) des futurs époux … daccess-ods.un.org. code du travail *. Although all feminist projects seeking clear recognition of the two sexes were not carried to term, reforms inclined towards a sharing of authority between the two spouses instead of the exclusive authority of the father. En vue de l’instauration de l’égalité entre hommes et femmes, le code du statut personnel (CSP) a été promulgué le 13 août 1956, cinq mois après l’indépendance de la Tunisie, constituant ainsi un acte avant-gardiste et émancipateur des femmes de la république Tunisienne. Bonjour Interrogez votre notaire tunisien. Soon after a debate held in June 1997 at the European Parliament on the situation of the rights of Tunisian women, some Tunisian women were sent to Strasbourg to give Europe another view of their country. Les règles applicables au divorce en droit tunisien figurent aux articles 29 et suivants de ce Code. 0
He managed not to attack equality of the sexes concerning inheritance directly, the Code continuing to consider man the head of the family and expressing the fact that spouses must fulfil their conjugal duties "conforming to usage and custom" which were systematically to the advantage of the masculine interests. The Code formed the theme of an Arabic language documentary "Fatma 75" (1975) by Salma Baccar and produced by the anonymous Tunisian Society for the Production and Distribution of Films. startxref
The issue of virginity at marriage and the influence of religious preachers castigating on Middle Eastern television networks the Western way of life played an important role in this debate. �L�1��]geX4������I��RQ�%��XC��6O���X��nlA�����$���mQ�C��=�H�!y�5��#�3�kڀ���N�� �n'm�zQ赨����M�e=D���9L`���p��&����pbU�H~�0�T�Ӄ6��T]��4)� ��H����cd�"D߰\�%N}��q!wojK��˷��g��:f�н�i�e�G�Z����K�t̼�эy}Y�YaQ�z7�I�z?f�RDe��``���7^���-~�ǁ0� yZ9�z7�Y��E�O�h�T�x�=7��Y�M���+�C�C����!�q�r������){��N��ڐ�| In connection with profession, a new article of the labor code, no. Loi n° 59-77 du 19 juin 1959. 0000324233 00000 n
Les empêchements permanents sont ceux relatifs à la parenté (de sang, par alliance ou lié à l’allaitement) des futurs époux … 0000004323 00000 n
In this same case, consent for the marriage of a minor must be given by the closest parent who must fulfil three conditions, namely being of sound mind, adult and masculine.". Putting this change into practice could equally be illustrated by the creation in 1991 of the Centre for Research, Studies, Documentation and Information on Woman and setting up at the ministerial level a national commission "Women and Development," charged with studying the role of women in development in the context of the preparation for the Eighth Economic Plan (1992–1996). 14 et s du CSPT). 93-74 of July 12, 1993 modified the Code giving wives the right to transfer her patrimony and nationality to children to the same extent as husbands, even if she was married to a foreigner, on the sole condition that the father has given his approval. Furthermore, women acquired the right to represent their children in several judicial procedures, to open and to manage a savings account for their benefit. Qui est en ligne ? 0000005544 00000 n
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During a speech delivered in Tunis on February 8, 1961, Bourguiba expressed his opinion on reason's domination above all other means of thought: "There are still people who do not conceive that reason must apply to all things in this world and command all human activity; for these people certain domains, that of religion in particular, must escape the ascendancy of the intelligence. Code du statut personnel (Tunisie) Code du statut personnel. Existing institutions sustained political parties, and although these rights were the subject of speeches, they were not then among political priorities. Radhia Haddad recognizes Bourguiba's merits in these transformations: "If all countries have finished, one day or the other, in freeing themselves from foreign invaders, none, and surely no Arab Muslim country, has dared a social revolution to such an extent.". Le Code du statut personnel (arabe : مجلة الأحوال الشخصية) ou CSP consiste en une série de lois progressistes tunisiennes, promulguées le 13 août 1956 par décret beylical puis entrées en vigueur le 1 er janvier 1957, visant à l'instauration de l'égalité entre l'homme et la femme dans nombre de domaines. authentique laïque, l’État tunisien, de l’indépendance à aujourd’hui, n’a jamais été laïc. Imams delivering speeches opposing the Code and shayks signing petitions or articles criticizing it were arrested. Amendment no. Tunisie: Code du statut personnel. In total, in 2004 they constituted 26.6 per cent of the work force, although in 1989 they had only represented 20.9 per cent and a mere 5.5 per cent in 1966. This same court did not rule except in a case brought through the mutual consent of both spouses and in the case of the request of one of the partners as the result of harm of which that spouse was the victim. Collette Juilliard-Beaudan thinks that Tunisian women "cease to choose a democratic form, (they) prefer secularism." Forums. 5 Cependant le statut personnel ne fut pas intégré dans le code civil, comme c’est le cas dans le droit français, même s’il en faisait partie. 0000328161 00000 n
At the same time the reformist newspaper Ennahda published the poems of Aboul-Qacem Echebbi, who participated to a lesser extent than Haddad in the defence of the rights of women. Later, a second series of provisions reinforced the protection of women in regard to men in repressing spousal violence more rigorously and in instituting alimony payments and in enforcing this from divorced husbands seeking to shirk this responsibility. 0000005494 00000 n
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This Code is one of the best known deeds of Habib Bourguiba, who was Prime Minister and later President. Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. In several of his speeches, memory of her returned and the exhaustion born of the double function of the spouse and the mother contributed to his denunciation of the feminine condition in traditional Tunisian society. Les personnes successibles sont deux sortes : les héritiers réservataires et les héritiers agnats (aceb). 0000327980 00000 n
Décret-loi n° 62-21 du 30 août 1961 modifiant l'article 32 du code du statut personnel, ratifié par la loi n° 62-41 du … 0000006191 00000 n
Courts during this period often interpreted the Code in a restrictive manner, refusing, for example, all right of inheritance for non Muslim women in religiously mixed marriages. Indeed, although economic growth was not negligible, it did not match other North African countries like Morocco. Until 1956, divorce remained the prerogative of the man who could unilaterally repudiate his partner by a simple declaration before two witnesses. daccess-ods.un.org. Article 204 Note Modifié par la Loi n° 92-48 du 4 mai 1992.. Pour être valable, toute donation doit être passée par acte authentique. Also, the silence of the Code concerning marriage between a Muslim woman and a non Muslim man, since 1969, is interpreted by most judges as a recognition of the prohibition decreed by Muslim law in the matter. On September 7, he asked members of the religious courts for their opinions concerning the Code's conformity with religious law. Le texte du code est paru dans les JORT n°s n° 20 des 3 et 6 mai 1966, 21 des 10 et ... - décret du 11 août 1937 portant statut des journalistes professionnels, - décret du 28 juillet 1938, rendant applicables à la Tunisie, les ... des droits du personnel salarié en cas de cession ou de transformation Il est vrai que le Code du statut personnel tunisien a aboli en Tunisie depuis 1956 la polygamie et la répudiation pratiquée jadis sous forme d’un acte rédigé chez le notaire à la demande de l’époux prévoyant de rompre unilatéralement le mariage qui le lie à son épouse. 5 Cependant le statut personnel ne fut pas intégré dans le code civil, comme c’est le cas dans le droit français, même s’il en faisait partie. prononcer le divorce (article 31, alinéa 1 du code de statut personnel tunisien). In 1930, Tahar Haddad, himself influenced by the reformist current begun in the Nineteenth Century by Kheirredine Pasha, Ibn Ahmad ibn Abi Diyaf, Muhammad Snoussi, Salem Bouhageb, Mohamed Bayram V and other thinkers who all defended the concept of modernism, published "Our Women in Sharia and Society." Le Code du statut personnel (arabe : مجلة الأحوال الشخصية) ou CSP consiste en une série de lois progressistes tunisiennes, promulguées le 13 août 1956 par. On August 10, 1956, Prime Minister Bourguiba devoted an entire speech to the Code which was to be promulgated three days later. Nevertheless, Islamists continued their project to annul the Code and this so well that its previous acceptance constituted an acceptable condition for the legislation of political parties which had not been in accord with Ennahda. Nevertheless, the feminine condition was not then among his priorities and one finds in his actions the same political ambiguity as that which existed with Bourguiba. Our decision in the matter contradicts no religious text and is found to be in agreement with mercy and justice and the equality of the sexes.". Alerte Google : "code du statut personnel" Showing 1-31 of 31 messages. 1930 to 19341934 to 19391939 to 19451945 to 19491949 to 1956. Women were then called upon to characterize this change: official receptions have been mixed since 1992 and ministers and senior civil servants were encouraged to attend accompanied by their spouses. Transfert vers Statut des femmes en Tunisie. Transfert vers Statut des femmes en Tunisie. 0000008248 00000 n
Vu Notre décret du 12 juillet 1956 (30 doulhidja 1375), fixant le statut personnel des Tunisiens non musulmans et non israélites, Vu Notre décret du 3 août 1956 (25 doulhidja 1375), portant modification de certains articles du Code tunisien de procédure civile, Qui est en ligne ? 0000008292 00000 n
Décret du 13 août 1956 (6 moharem 1376) portant promulgation du Code du Statut Personnel (J.O.T n° 104 du 28 Décembre 1956) Nature texte : Loi de promulgation . Many translated example sentences containing "le code du statut personnel tunisien" – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations. This reasoning was approved on November 5, 1973 by a circular of the minister of justice who to, "stay away from the negative sides of the West," prohibited marriages between Muslims and non Muslims and who judged void marriages in which the non Muslim husband had not converted to Islam and where a certificate of conversion was not provided. Polygamy, although rather marginal in the period, is likewise forbidden, even if the second union is not "formal:" "Whosoever being engaged in the bonds of matrimony shall contract another before the dissolution of the preceding shall be liable to a year's imprisonment and to a fine." This absence of new reforms can be explained in different ways: the deterioration of the president's health, the delayed reaction of conservatives remaining reserved in the course of preceding decades and the resistance of society shaken to its foundations. L'article 23 du Code du statut personnel, tel qu'amendé par la loi n° 93-74 du 12 juillet 1993, portant modification de certains articles du Code du statut personnel, prévoit que [...] les deux époux s'entraident Même les actes les plus audacieux dans le cadre de la réforme, comme le CSP (Code du statut personnel), ont été accompagnés de justifications à partir d’une interprétation libérale de la loi religieuse. L'un des époux ne peut revenir durant l'audience de jugement sur l'accord donné en conciliation qu'avec l'assentiment de l'autre conjoint. en place par loi n° 03-70 relative au code de la famille promulguée par le Dahir n° 1-04-22 du 3 février 2004. On August 13, 2003, on the occasion of the 47th anniversary of the Code, the Tunisian League for Human Rights connected to the ATFD stated: "We consider that the complete equality of women and men remains a basic right. 0000324479 00000 n
Moreover, on November 1, 1983, Bourguiba named two women ministers, Fathia Mzali to the Ministry of the family and of the Advancement of Women and Souad Yaacoubi to Public Health. Loi n° 58-70 du 4 juillet 1958 portant modification de l'article 18 du code du statut personnel . This is the official consolidation. However, more than this modernization concern, there existed as well the need to destabilize an importance source of political opposition based on religion. Concretely, Tunisian women are very involved in society, as they represent 58.1 per cent of students in higher education. Les dispositions du présent chapitre s'appliqueront indifféremment aux interdits qu'ils soient de sexe masculin ou de sexe féminin. In this context, presidential feminism remains ambiguous, as is illustrated by the speech delivered during the UNFT's third congress, held between December 20–29, 1962, in which he declared that he had to protect the family and guarantee to man the faculty of being its head. Moreover, certain mentalities take longer to change. Son commentaire de la Moudawwana, autrement dit, du Code du statut personnel marocain, promulgué en 1957-1958, a été conçu dans le même esprit, et suivant le même plan que celui qu'il avait consacré, il y a quelques années, au Code du statut personnel tunisien. 0000006789 00000 n
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(J.O.R.T n°104 du 28 Décembre 1956) Louanges à Dieu ! Soumettre une succession. Bourguiba himself yielded to the conservatives' wishes and in 1974 refused the pressure of his entourage and the majority of his government wanting to modify the law concerning equality in succession, which had instituted the equality of the sexes in relation to inheritance. 0000327818 00000 n
they were almost all dismissed or forced to retire. Même les actes les plus audacieux dans le cadre de la réforme, comme le CSP (Code du statut personnel), ont été accompagnés de justifications à partir d’une interprétation libérale de la loi religieuse. Code du Statut Personnel - Tunisie. Muhammad Baraket and Domenic Tabutin estimate that two-thirds of the reduction in births during the period 1966-1975 is the demographic consequences of these measures. This forced the religious authorities likewise to interpret the Koran in a way that accepted the fact that women could receive an education and participate in the social life of the country.