Coloring is gray with rustic gold tones. Beaver Creek, Chilton, Fond Du Lac, Lannon, Oakfield, and more. Chestnut Sandstone Cut Drywall/Wallstone: Tan, Cream, Light Brown Fond du Lac Weathered Edge Outcropping is grey in color and primarily used for retaining walls. Flagstone patios, rugged outcropping, beautiful water features all start with one of a kind natural stone. Thickness can vary greatly- averaging 3"-6". Chilton Outcropping Color Colors Vary—Natural Stone Size Thickness Ranges From 5-8″ Length and Depth Varies Fond Du Lac… Fon Du Lac ranges from grey to buff with occasional brown or weathered edge. Pacific Gray. Fond du Lac Outcropping. Copper Canyon. Colors. Please note: Always refer to actual product when making final color selection. Oakfield Cut Drywall/Wallstone: Beige, brown, gold, earth-tones, rustic weatheredge. With its rugged, weathered surface, outcropping creates a dramatic effect of geological time. Outcropping. Fond du Lac Flagstone; Irregular Bluestone Full Range; Outcropping. Outcropping Lifting Device - available for purchase or rent. Our most popular outcropping option by far. ... Fond Du Lac. It is palletized, sold by the weight and generally available … (53 lbs.) SEMCO STONE | CEDAR RIDGE SNAPPED STEPS. Stop in today to browse our large selection of Fon Du Lac … to 1500 lbs. FOND DU LAC WEATHEREDGE OUTCROPPING STEPS. Click here for assistance and to request the location of your nearest distributor(s). The groundbreaking Outcropping system is the largest decorative retaining wall block in the world. Fond Du Lac Buff Outcropping. DIAZ STONE | IRREGULAR BLUESTONE FULL COLOR. A smooth, cloudy white and gray stone with some rust accents, the Fond du Lac Outcropping is a perfect choice if you need a natural color tone for your project. Coverage; approx. Bluestone Blue/Blue; Bluestone Full Color; Snapped Drywall. Benson Stone has a great selection of outcropping stone. Twelve large, seemingly random pieces all work together to create a wall solution that looks perfectly natural, while still providing the structural stability of an engineered wall. Fond Du Lac Shims 1in - 3in Product Details >> Fond Du Lac Weatheredge Outcropping Product Details >> Please contact us at the following locations: Email Xylem, Ltd. Cordova, IL 309-654-2261 Chanahon, IL 815-521-3130 Email Rocks, Etc. Fond Du Lac Outcropping consists of medium to large landscaping stones weighing from approximately 500 lbs. Sizes vary, however the thickness is very consistent. 5813 N. Hwy 51, Madison, WI 53704 • MAP • Hours: Monday - Friday: 7:30am - 5:00pm • Closed on Saturdays & Sundays Use as step treads or erosion control. Fond du Lac. Slate Gray. Prairie Cut Drywall/Wallstone: Gold, Brown, Rustic, Blue/Gray. Lakeshore Blend. Our Fond du Lac Cut Drywall / Wallstone colors include gray silver, gold, and rustic weatheredge. 150 lbs per Cubic Foot (Cubic Feet x 150 = lbs needed) Chilton Outcropping; Fond du Lac Outcropping; Highland Brown Outcropping; Lannon Outcropping; Pennsylvania Fieldstone; Weathered Limestone; Patterned Bluestone. When properly positioned, the stone forms a natural part of the landscape, as if it’s actually “growing” out of the ground.