If Railcoop's plans are successful, it says it plans to open other services, including passenger trains, night trains, and freight trains, which will run on existing infrastructure. Please be aware that the actual dates on which these events occur may differ substantially from what is shown here. See also: Air France ordered to curb competition with rail in France. La société Railcoop envisage la réouverture de la ligne ferroviaire transversale Bordeaux-Lyon, qui passerait par Libourne et Périgueux à l’été 2022. Autre argument en faveur de cette liaison: un "wagon de 19m3 qui permettra d'emporter" plus facilement "un certain nombre de chose" par rapport à l'avion ou à l'actuelle liaison par Paris qui nécessite un changement de gare. "If we take the example of Figeac, in the Lot, where is our headquarters, there is a need for freight in the basin, but not enough for complete trains or regular buses," explains Nicolas Debaisieux. 7bn in French recovery spending package, Co-operative group seeks to launch Lyon – Bordeaux open access service from 2022, Trains prioritised over planes in Air France rescue deal. Low Carbon Holidays & Sustainable Adventures. Depuis 2014, se rendre à Bordeaux depuis Lyon par le train nécessite de passer forcément par Paris. There's currently no Paris-Nice sleeper train as this was discontinued in December 2017, but plans are being made to introduce a new Paris-Nice sleeper by 2022. March 31 – Abellio ScotRail franchise to conclude – Utsunomiya LRT opening (after delays). Events March. La société vient de déposer une demande à l'autorité régulatrice des transports pour relancer la liaison directe en train entre les deux métropoles distantes de 550 kilomètres. Le déficit de la Sécu revu à 44,7 milliards d'euros en 2020, attendu à 25,5 milliards en 2021, © Copyright 2006-2020 BFMTV.com. Si le temps de trajet s'en trouvera rallongé, la société voit dans cette nouvelle ligne d'autres avantages, comme l'a expliqué au micro de BFM Lyon Alexandra Debaisieux, directrice déléguée de Railcoop. “The Province-Province conventional train market remains largely untapped in France. Railcoop currently has more than 300 members in France. With an expected journey time of 6 hours 47 minutes, the service will actually be slower than the Bordeaux to Lyon rail journey via Paris, but, according to Quentin Neurohr, member of Railcoop and director of COPOMO, a mobility consultancy, speed isn't everything: “There is a real demand for direct, comfortable, safe, affordable rail services for which speed is secondary”. Eurostar trains will not stop in Kent until 2022 due to the coronavirus pandemic, the company has announced. Option 1, by Eurostar & TGV via Lille : By Eurostar to Lille Europe and make a simple same-station change onto a direct TGV from Lille to Marseille for an onward train to Cannes or Nice. Dès l'été 2022, la société coopérative ferroviaire Railcoop veut proposer aux voyageurs un trajet direct entre Lyon et Bordeaux. French rail cooperative unveils plans to re-open Bordeaux-Lyon train line. Site édité par NextInteractive. Co-operative group seeks to launch Lyon – Bordeaux open access service from 2022. 2020-06-12T05:30:00Z. Railcoop, a French rail cooperative, has unveiled plans to run passenger trains on the Bordeaux-Lyon line, which has been closed since 2014. Railccop est convaincue d'obtenir en avril prochain une licence ferroviaire et un certificat de sécurité afin de faire circuler des trains de passagers dès l'été 2022. Railcoop declared its plans to the French Transport Regulatory Authority - an important step in the organisation's plan to roll out the service in the summer of 2022. The planned rail journey between Bordeaux and Lyon through the north of the Massif Central will stop off at the following railway stations: Libourne, Périgueux, Limoges, Saint-Sulpice-Laurière, Guéret, Montluçon, Gannat, Saint-Germain-des-Fossés, and Roanne. Copyright © Greentraveller Limited 2020, All rights reserved. No part of this site may be reproduced without our written permission. Railcoop declared its plans to the French Transport Regulatory Authority - an important step in the organisation's plan to roll out the service in the summer of 2022. Since the abolition of the service in 2014, there hasn't been a direct rail link between Lyon - the second largest metropolis in France- and Bordeaux - the fifth largest. As of 2021, the co-op also plans to develop a service for rail freight. However, there is a strong demand”, said Dominique Guerrée, the President of Railcoop. The project of the line Bordeaux-Lyon is only one facet of the overall project of Railcoop. Mais d'ici l'été 2022, la coopérative ferroviaire Railcoop compte bien remédier à ce détour. "Il y a une vraie demande pour des services ferroviaires directs, confortables, sûrs, à un prix abordable et pour lesquels l’enjeu de vitesse est secondaire”, affirme pour sa part Quentin Neurohr, sociétaire de Railcoop et dirigeant de Copomo, un cabinet de conseil en mobilités. Tous droits réservés. Which route to choose? Railcoop, a French rail cooperative, has unveiled plans to run passenger trains on the Bordeaux-Lyon line, which has been closed since 2014. L'initiative serait vue d'un bon œil par le ministère des Transports qui veut redynamiser certaines petites lignes et offrir de nouvelles solutions de transports entre les différentes métropoles françaises. 2022 in rail transport; 2023 in rail transport; This article lists events related to rail transport that are currently scheduled to occur in 2022. Depuis 2014, se rendre à Bordeaux depuis Lyon par le train nécessite de passer forcément par Paris. Puis d’acquérir des sillons, c’est-à-dire des créneaux horaires auxquels l’entreprise pourra faire rouler ses trains auprès de SNCF Réseau, avant d’enfin se lancer dès 2021 dans le fret sur une autre ligne, puis en 2022 dans le transport de passagers. Green Traveller is owned & operated by Greentraveller Limited.