He is the recipient of the Jerusalem Peace Prize and the Founder Director of the Sydney Peace Foundation. One major corridor extending from Jerusalem almost to Jericho, virtually bisecting the West Bank, includes the Israeli town of Ma’ale Adumim, which was built largely during the Clinton administration, Clinton years, with the obvious purpose of bisecting the West Bank — still a little contested territory, but that’s the goal. The polarization shown in this Israel right or wrong attitude allows neither time nor space for contemplation unaffected by assumptions that Israeli must be treated as exceptional, its policies protected and defended whatever the costs. A line must not be crossed. That was Cast Lead, which was a horrible operation, so much so that it caused a very substantial international reaction, investigations by a United Nations commission, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch. HOME; ABOUT US; ADVERTORIAL; CONTACT + ADD TO YOUR SITE ; World; Islamic World; Turkey; News Analysis; Media; Economy; Art & … In standard neocolonial pattern, Israel is establishing — permitting the establishment of a center for Palestinian elites in Ramallah, where you have nice restaurants and theaters and so on. This Dayan is, unlike his late cousin, Moshe, a pompous fool, but even a speech by such a person infuriates the king, who is mortally afraid of an influx of Palestinians driven from the West Bank into Jordan. It is not immediately apparent what kind of speech is flagged by the policy statement. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the ongoing struggle between Israelis and Palestinians that began in the early 20th century. What they say about the disengagement is this: They say, “the ruined territory” — and by then, it was ruined, largely part of the reason for the removal of the settlers — “the ruined territory was not released for even a single day from Israel’s military grip, or from the price of the occupation that the inhabitants pay every day. The first of the series was the Agreement on Movement and Access in November 2005. Download. There was a pretext, of course. Those who are there are being dispossessed, kicked out. No Australian government has stooped this low, but championing Palestinian rights on university campuses, or calling Israel a racist, apartheid state, raises questions about healthy debate and freedom of speech. The Israel-Palestine conflict is not one of these. Across the United States there is a Maginot-line mentality about this issue. That’s one option. In short the joke captures the irony of history: the inevitable collapse of the Palestinian question into the Jewish question, only that in the 21st century, this historical inseparability, about which Edward Said wrote so thoughtfully, has become somewhat of a farce. Read more, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Global Excellence & Leadership Awards Conferred on Hamid Ansari and Frank Islam. Bill Shorten speech on Israeli settlements stirs Palestinian group This article is more than 6 years old Opposition leader suggested only 'some settlement' was illegal, a shift in Labor's position Over the last nine months, at the Gaza border fence, over 230 young Palestinian protesters have been killed and as many as 20,000 maimed, many for life. Finally, in January 2008, another ceasefire was reached. The speech was made famous by its closing lines in which he speaks of democracy and free society, an ideal for which he said he was prepared to die. It’s a pleasure to be here to be able to talk with you and discuss with you afterwards. The Palestinians who live there have to be displaced because it’s a military zone, no settlement allowed, and pretty soon there’s a military settlement, Nahal settlement, and another, then, sooner or later, it becomes an actual settlement. Israel has no such attitude toward the Palestinians. This was the moment of Israel’s disengagement, as it’s called, from Gaza — the removal of several thousand Israeli settlers from Gaza. "[The enemies of Allah] do not know that the Palestinian people have developed its [methods] of death and death-seeking," Hammad is quoted by Memri in a speech televised on Hamas' Al-Aqsa television station. It’s a pleasure to be here to be able to talk with you and discuss with you afterwards. One alternative is the international consensus on a two-state settlement, basically the terms of January 1976. It had one flaw. Three days ago, Benjamin Netanyahu told Cathy Ashton, the pathetic “foreign secretary” of the European Union, that he would agree to anything short of Palestinian statehood. The U.S. State Department informed the Israeli Embassy that Israeli — I’m quoting it now — “Israeli activity in Gush Etzion undermines American efforts to protect Israel at the United Nations,” and urged that Israel shouldn’t provide ammunition for “those at the [United Nations] who would interpret [Israel’s] position as hardening.” Actually, that warning was given 47 years ago, in September 1967, at the time of Israel’s first colonization, illegal colonization, of Gush Etzion. He spoke as a supporter of Palestinians’ rights to self-determination but his words were seized on as evidence that he wanted Israel to disappear. Cases in point concern Marc Lamont Hill, a Professor of Media Studies at Temple University in Philadelphia, and Dr Tim Anderson, a political economist from Sydney University. The government said they had certain knowledge that Hamas had done it, but their own leading specialists, like [Shlomi Eldar], had pointed out right away that the assault — which was a brutal crime — was very likely committed by members of a breakaway clan, the Qawasmeh clan in Hebron, which was not given a green light by Hamas and had been a thorn in their sides. At first sight it appears as though his employers have acted with more patience than their counterparts in that American university. After the disengagement, Israel left behind scorched earth, devastated services, and people with neither a present nor a future. The President of Temple University judged his speech to be hateful and anti-Semitic. In a recent edition of the New York Review of Books, Katherine Franke describes a purge of critics of Israel on American campuses. Israel’s future is at stake. There was an immediate Israeli escalation. - Duration: 14:58. Well, the November 2005 agreement lasted for a few weeks. That was January 8th, 2009. As I mentioned, that essentially imprisons what’s left. In the middle of the assault — the assault, incidentally, was carefully timed to end immediately before President Obama’s inauguration. The military attacks on Gaza increased, along with more stringent restrictions on imports. Hamas observed the ceasefire, as Israel officially recognizes, despite Israel’s refusal to do so. Israel rejects a settlement of these terms and for many years has been devoting extensive resources to ensuring that it will not be implemented, with the unremitting and decisive support of the United States — military, economic, diplomatic and indeed ideological — by establishing how the conflict is viewed and interpreted in the United States and within its broad sphere of influence. Hierzulande legt der Islamische Zentralrat der Schweiz (IZRS) den Islam in radikaler Weise aus und will damit auch in der Öffentlichkeit wahrgenommen werden. Enjoining what is right for Timor-Leste and Palestine. The pretext was that three teenagers, Israeli teenagers, in the settlements had been brutally murdered, captured and murdered. This Austrian Minister delivered her UN speech in Arabic. Was sagt ihr Sprecher dazu? 1918. All of this is doubly illegal. So too are accusations of anti-Semitism as a means of stifling any criticism of Israeli policies towards Palestinians. Palestinian interests do not exist or can be easily discarded. The Israeli occupation of Palestine and subsequent ethnic cleansing is a major source of instability in the world. As a test of a university’s respect for vigorous and reasonable pursuit of ideas, it looks as though Anderson had stretched what his employers would have considered reasonable and vigorous. If they die, that’s fine. Comment. I. Israel's highly orchestrated disinformation campaign of denial of Palestinian existence and heritage and, concomitantly, Israel's active institutionalized erasure at several levels of Israeli government and civil society has undermined the Palestinian … The picture that’s presented is that there are two alternatives: either the two-state settlement, which represents an overwhelming international consensus, virtually everyone, and if that fails, there will have to be one state — Israel will take over the West Bank, the Palestinians will hand over the keys, as it’s sometimes said. He had already been elected, but he wasn’t inaugurated yet, so when he was asked to comment on the ongoing atrocities, he responded by saying that he couldn’t do so, the United States has only one president, and he wasn’t president yet. The reality was described, very quickly, by the Israeli official who was in charge of negotiating and implementing the ceasefire, Dov Weissglas, close confidant of then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Now, that continued until November 4th, 2008. And that, apparently, is true, if you look at the later arrests and punishments. Anderson is reported as having shown students material featuring the Nazi swastika imposed on the Israeli flag, and on social media, he had been explicit about the crimes of the ‘apartheid’ Israeli state. Now, that’s the picture that’s emerging. The latest ceasefire was reached on August 26th. By now, it’s virtually everyone — the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic States, includes Iran, Europe, Latin America — informally, at least, about everyone. A short summary of this paper. Seventy-nine people were killed, 78 of them Palestinians — the usual story. Israel has no official policy of taking it over, but they’re pursuing the policy in the way that has been carried out now for a hundred years, literally — small steps so nobody notices, or at least people pretend not to notice, establish a military zone. In the Sydney University student newspaper Honi Soit, Dr Tim Anderson is reported as having accused the Provost of acting as a political censor, of being dishonest, evasive and lacking in respect for intellectual freedom. Heartfelt anti-war poems written by Palestinians, or about Palestine. The ZOA President denounced Hill’s speech as ‘Jew hating, violence initiating and genocidal’. A U.S. veto typically is a double veto: The veto, the resolution is not implemented, and the event is vetoed from history, so you have to look hard to find the record, but it is there. We demand freedom of speech on Palestine, an end to censorship and an end to the attacks on those who speak out in support of Palestinians. And so far, at least, it appears to be continuing. Takitah Mosque – Tripoli. If they leave, that’s fine. For 20 years, the United States and Israel have been dedicated to separate Gaza and the West Bank in violation of the accords that they had accepted. That was 85 percent of the population. If Gaza is separated from the West Bank, whatever autonomy might ultimately be granted in the West Bank would be imprisoned — Israel on one side, a hostile Jordan, ally of Israel, on the other side, and in addition, one of Israel’s slow and steady U.S.-backed policies is to take over the Jordan Valley, about a third of the West Bank, much of the arable land, which would essentially imprison the rest even more tightly, if Gaza is separated from the West Bank. Every Third World country under the colonial system had something like that. Little has changed since, in the last 47 years, apart from the scale of the crimes, which continue, without a break, with constant U.S. support. He was talking about lots of other things, but not this. Gaza offers the only access to the outside world of Palestine. Here was a good test. But it continues. The pattern is very clear. "For the Palestinian people, death has become an industry, at which women excel, and so do all the people living on this land. My own opinion, which I’ve written about repeatedly — without convincing many people, apparently, but I’ll try to convince you — is that this is a total illusion. 181) to split Palestine 55% for the Jews and 45% for the Palestinians to establish a Jewish and Arab States in Palestine, and to make Jerusalem an international area. -There's 15 gates leads to Al- Aqsa Mosque and The Dome of The Rock. No weakness must be shown. As he explained to the Israeli press, the goal of the disengagement — I’m quoting him — was “the freezing of the peace process,” so as to “prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state” and to ensure that diplomacy “has been removed indefinitely from our agenda.”. Posted by Professor Stuart Rees OAM | 2 Jan, 2019 | Featured, Media Scan, Ummah | 0 |. Now, they also knew immediately that it was very unlikely that Hamas was involved. It launched major assaults on the Palestinians in the West Bank, primarily targeting Hamas. Both academics risk being dismissed for speaking of the rights of Palestinians and for criticizing Israel’s policies of military domination of Palestinian people, the dispossession of their homes and lands. Another reason was that a unity government undermines one of the pretexts for Israel’s refusal to participate in negotiations seriously — namely, how can we negotiate with an entity that is internally divided? Dr Anderson could have listed some of these killings and asked students to make up their own minds as to what historical comparisons they might make. It’s bad enough to vote the wrong way in a free election, but to preempt a U.S.-planned military coup is far more serious. In late January 2019 a three-person internal Review Committee will make recommendations to university management as to the final decision in the Tim Anderson case. If this does not happen, Sydney will drift into the process of charge and counter-charge, of judgement without evidence, as in immediate anti-Semitism accusations which prevail in the United States. I’ll give a close paraphrase of it. That has set the pattern that has continued since. They even tried to gain international support for the bantustans. It looks, from a map, as though a large territory is left, but that’s misleading. Now, this is depicted as a noble effort to seek peace and development, but the reality is rather different. It was never observed, and it broke down completely with the next major episode of “mowing the lawn” in November 2012. That’s what’s taking shape before our eyes. The attack was timed to end immediately before the inauguration, so he therefore could respond to the questions by saying, “Well, now is not the time to look at the past, let’s look forward to the future.” Diplomats know very well that that’s a standard slogan for those who are engaged in serious crime: “Let’s forget about the past, let’s look forward to a glorious future.” Well, that was right in the middle of the assault. For a long time, there has been an overwhelming international consensus in support of a settlement along these general lines. A short introduction about occupied Palestine... Add Comment. The UN voted (Res. He spoke as a supporter of Palestinians’ rights to self-determination but his words were … I think that’s the realistic alternative to a two-state settlement. That is a common expression used by champions of national identity in Israel and in Palestine. -One of the most holiest places for Muslims. And here, too, there is a definite pattern: A ceasefire is reached; Israel disregards it and continues its steady assault on Gaza, including continued siege, intermittent acts of violence, more settlement and development projects, often violence in the West Bank; Hamas observes the ceasefire, as Israel officially recognizes, until some Israeli escalation elicits a Hamas response, which leads to another exercise of “mowing the lawn,” in Israeli parlance, each episode more fierce and destructive than the last. At Sydney University, the official reaction to Dr Anderson’s much more trenchant criticism of the brutality of Israeli policies appears to have included due process measures even though Anderson is currently not allowed to appear on campus. She maintains that ‘not since the McCarthy anti-Communist purges have we seen such an aggressive effort to censor teaching and learning on topics that the government disfavors’. Then came Operation Protective Edge, the one which was just completed, and more brutal and destructive even the ones that preceded it. In 1948 the Jews made up 33% of the population of Palestine, but owned only 7% of the land. Israel was infuriated — infuriated even more when the world mostly supported it. That finally elicited a Hamas response. The nature of Lamont Hill and Anderson’s criticism is important but more so is the anxiety of authorities to appear to support Israel, and to avoid appearing to support Palestine. Istanbul 1930. Israel was infuriated. That’s Greater Jerusalem. Those are the alternatives that are presented, overwhelmingly, hardly an exception. War broke out between the Arabs and Jews in 1948 and the Jews occupied 80% of Palestine and established … Exit permits were blocked. That led to Qassam rockets attacking Israel, huge Israeli response, lots of killings — all Palestinians, as usual. On 29 November, International Day of Solidarity for the Palestinian People, Lamont Hill, a commentator for the Television company CNN, spoke at the United Nations about the need for a free Palestine from the river to the sea. And there’s every reason to expect it to continue as long as the United States supports it. Also Gaza, also killings. The Israeli Cabinet considered it and rejected it. But the university’s values are only really tested when an academic appears to challenge the rules. Silence, Speech and Gender in Shakespeare’s Othello: A Presentist, Palestinian Perspective . Israel is taking over what they call Jerusalem, as I mentioned, a huge area, maybe five times the area of historic Jerusalem, Greater Jerusalem, big area in the West Bank, includes many Arab villages being dispossessed, destroyed, bringing settlers in. Australasian Muslim Times, AMUST is a community newspaper for all presenting news and views using multimedia technologies. In a protest against Dr Anderson’s threatened dismissal, a letter to the Provost signed by over twenty academics argued that his suspension would be ‘an unacceptable act of censorship and a body blow to academic freedom at the university’. Your email address will not be published. Palestinians often have favored that. The Holocaust, also known as the Shoah, was the genocide of the European Jews during World War II.Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe, around two-thirds of Europe's Jewish population. After the November assault, there was a ceasefire reached with the usual terms. Free Speech on Palestine is a network of mainly Palestinian activists in and outside Palestine/Israel who aim to counter long-standing attempts of Israeli hasbara to portray Palestine and Palestinians as non-existent. You Won't Believe How This Man Converted To Islam. Terms were pretty much the same as those that I quoted. Now, that was a serious crime. The Security Council did pass a resolution — unanimously, U.S. abstaining — calling for an immediate ceasefire with the usual terms. The authors of the letter were careful not to refer, let alone to justify the historical analogies used by Anderson, yet the merits of those analogies should be considered. Always on the side of the egg - Israeli Culture - Haaretz.com ... *** STUART REES. When these regions are integrated slowly into Israel, actually, the proportion of Jews in Greater Israel will increase. Your email address will not be published. United Nations Speech on Palestine Noam Chomsky U.N. Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, New York, NY, October 14, 2014. And they had to sustain them, just like slaveowners have to maintain their capital. Speech from Salil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International, to the Special Meeting of the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People on 29 November 2017. Now, Israelis criticize that on the grounds of what is called “the demographic problem,” the fact that there will be too many non-Jews in a Jewish state — in fact, pretty soon a majority. Palestine had bustling cities where commerce and trade were taking place, they had a middle class, they had judges and scholars and a rich political life and indeed they had culture and a unique identity that set them apart from the rest of the Arab world. One is that unity between Gaza and the West Bank, between the two movements, would threaten the long-standing policies of separating the two, for the reasons that I mentioned. Now, that’s the major geostrategic reason for the Israeli insistence, with U.S. backing, on separating the two in violation of the Oslo agreements and the series of ceasefires that have been reached since November 2005. It came out the wrong way: Hamas won the Parliament, control of the Parliament. It called for a two-state settlement on the internationally recognized border — and now I’m quoting — “with guarantees for the rights of both states to exist in peace and security within secure and recognized borders.” The resolution was brought by the three major Arab states: Egypt, Jordan, Syria — sometimes called the “confrontation states.” Israel refused to attend the session. "But his short speech to the convention from the historic King David Hotel will reinforce the Trump administration’s unequivocal embrace of Israel as a partisan prop. In any appraisal of this controversy, the use of the word apartheid and labelling Israeli policies as Judeo-Nazi need to be carefully evaluated. Bill Shorten speech on Israeli settlements stirs Palestinian group. That is a common expression used by champions of national identity in Israel and in Palestine. The Oslo Accords, 20 years ago, established that Gaza and the West Bank are an indivisible territorial unity, whose integrity cannot be broken up. Well, one reasonable way to try to answer that question is to look at the record. Speech by EU High Representative/VP Mogherini on the Situation in Israel and Palestine: Palestine question, Peace proposals and efforts, Settlements, Statehood-related By the end of December, couple of weeks later, Hamas offered to renew the ceasefire. 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. Meanwhile, the arrests, attacks and so on. And the question on all our minds is: What are the prospects for the future? An almost infinite list of Israeli atrocities, plus earlier suicide bombings by Palestinians, have no doubt affected Dr Anderson’s teaching. Even if the 1948 Naqba removal of 700,000 people from their lands and homes is not referred to, the atrocities include the slaughter of over 1,100 Gazans including 350 children in Operation Cast Lead in 2009 and the slaughter of over 2,200 Gazans including almost 500 children in Operation Protective Edge in 2014. Anyway, that was a pretext for this assault, killings in Gaza, too. By Salil Shetty, Secretary General, Amnesty International. “There's a Palestine that dwells inside all of us, a Palestine that needs to be rescued: a free Palestine where all people regardless of color, religion, or race coexist; a Palestine where the meaning of the word "occupation" is only restricted to what the dictionary says rather than those plenty of meanings and connotations of death, destruction, pain, suffering, deprivation, isolation and restrictions that Israel has … Not the end of the road — nothing ever is — but a significant step forward. The resolution was vetoed by the United States. Arnold Schwarzenegger This Speech Broke The Internet AND Most Inspiring Speech- It Changed My Life. Apr 1, 2014 ⇦ Back to APAN in the media. -Built besides Al- Aqsa Mosque by Abd Al Mlek Bin Marwan in 691 CE. Israeli historian Gershom Gorenberg recently reminded us of this. South Africa relied on its black population. Meanwhile, dig wells, dispossess the population, set up green zones — a large variety of techniques which have, by now, reduced the Arab population from about 300,000 in 1967 to roughly 60,000 today. Andrew DC TV Recommended for you. There are very few Palestinians there. And what’s happening is not a secret. At Sydney University, Dr Anderson has often challenged what he regarded as ‘war propaganda against Syria, Iraq and Palestine’. All the settlements are illegal, as determined by the Security Council, advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice. Palestine is known for some of the most beautiful wildflowers in the world, popping into the existence mostly in April and May. 14:58. Nevertheless, the strain of thought which says that sharing extreme criticism of Israel with students, as in Anderson’s apparent analogies of Nazi and Israeli practices, represents academic misconduct. In this evaluation, emotions will need to disentangled. The Anti-Defamation League and the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) are reported to have inundated CNN with calls to terminate Hill’s employment. Most of that is uninhabitable desert. These include irises, jonquils, wild poppies, and other vibrant species of flowers which paint the colorful hillsides during a short spring season. On the contrary, the general outlines of a diplomatic solution have been clear for at least 40 years. Democracy: Election came out the wrong way; the U.S. instantly decided, along with Israel, to punish the Palestinians for the crime of voting the wrong way; a harsh siege was instituted, other punishments; violence increased; the United States immediately began to organize a military coup to overthrow the unacceptable government.