Candidate Info: For too long, corporations, banks and the Pentagon have dominated society. Valez remporte le second tour le 22 mai avec 53 % des suffrages. While at Stanford she played third base for the softball team and also walked on to the women’s basketball team. Readers React: SDG&E has a lot invested in San Diego, All the existing lines and pipes are owned by San Diego Gas & Electric, Readers React: Padres still helping to improve Downtown San Diego. Vainqueur démocrate par comté : Brown en bleu. Vote socialist! ", "Desmond Silveira | Candidate for Governor, 2018 Primary Election in California (CA)", "Support Desmond Silveira and the American Solidarity Party", "Los Angeles Rep. Karen Bass endorses Antonio Villaraigosa in governor's race", "BREAKING NEWS: Former House Majority Whip Tony Coelho Endorses Antonio Villaraigosa for Governor - Antonio For California", "Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard Endorses Antonio Villaraigosa For Governor - Antonio For California", "Weekly Update: An Important Deadline Is Approaching! Top jobs: Founder and president of Environmental Progress, an environmental research and advocacy organization in Berkeley. Le sénateur d’État Mike Dunleavy remporte la primaire républicaine avec environ 62 % des suffrages, battant notamment l’ancien lieutenant-gouverneur Mead Treadwell (32 %)[9]. Vainqueur républicain par comté : Tupola en rouge. The courts ultimately overruled Chiang, but his action made him a hero to organized labor. "Gavin Newsom on Twitter: "Honored to have the support of my good friends @DavidChiu, @PhilTing, @JeffAdachi, @SupervisorTang, @CarmenChuASR and @HydraMendoza! Get to know Gerry Torres, owner of City Tacos restaurants across San Diego County. Cox did well in the more rural areas of the state, even flipping Stanislaus County; Stanislaus is the only county that voted for Brown in 2014 but flipped to Cox in 2018. Le commissaire à l’agriculture de Floride Adam Putnam est longtemps considéré comme le favori de la primaire républicaine. Après les primaires, Stefanowski compte s’attaquer au bilan de Malloy tandis que Lamont s’attaque à celui du président Donald Trump[34]. Cliquez sur une vignette pour l’agrandir. I am running for governor to create abundant housing, good jobs, and world-class schools. She served in the Assembly from 1986 to 1994, including as chairwoman of the Education Committee. La gouverneure met notamment en avant les baisses d’impôts et ses réformes en matière de formation professionnelle[69]. Wolf domine largement son adversaire républicain dans les sondages[135],[136]. Experts say the safety of school reopenings depends on the measures schools put in place and how much the virus is still circulating in the community. They have piled on so many taxes, fees and regulations that they have made it impossible to build affordable housing, while driving thousands of businesses and good-paying jobs out of state. Review: Race, rebellion, art and death at the heart of local virtual theater shows, Local theaters may be closed, but there are plenty of local virtual shows to see online, Deputies seeking driver of U-Haul van that struck motorcyclist in Vista hit and run, The collision happened at Melrose Drive and Olive Avenue about 5:05 p.m. Sunday, Woman arrested after attempt to kidnap infant grandchild of NFL’s Joe Montana in Malibu. Particulars: Shellenberger, 46, lives in Berkeley with his wife and two children. Top jobs: California superintendent of public instruction from 1995 to 2003. He is a graduate of Columbia University, and lives in San Francisco with his physician wife and two young daughters. Vainqueur démocrate par comté : Henderson en bleu et Sanders en vert. Vainqueur par comté : Newsom en bleu, Cox en rouge et Villaraigosa en vert. Gavin Newsom, 50 ans, ancien maire de San Francisco, est arrivé en tête, mardi 5 juin, des primaires pour l’élection au poste de gouverneur de Californie. A True American Stands Up For Their Brothers & Sisters To Make Our Country The Best Country In The World. We are confident Delaine's experience, courage, vision, and commitment to the people are the right mix to move our great state to better future! Les dernières élections ont eu lieu en 2014 pour tous les États sauf trois. Christian B. Ramers: We’re doctors with a message for young people. Toutefois, l’ancien directeur de campagne de Donald Trump Joe Trillo se présente en tant qu’indépendant et risque de faire perdre des voix à Fung[138]. @CalPeaceOfficer #CAGov", "I'm proud to have just been endorsed for Governor by the Fresno County Republican Party! ", "Just received the ENDORSEMENT of the Nevada County GOP by a vote of 17-5!! The libertarian-minded novel has been compared to Ayn Rand’s work many times in major media and was a Top 5 Amazon book. Chef Brian Malarky, known for local restaurants like Herb & Wood and his latest, Animae, recently competed on “Top Chef: All Stars” in Los Angeles and is pivoting to digital dining during the pandemic. Vainqueur républicain par comté (T2) : McMaster en rouge et Warren en orange. She founded the campaign in 2015 specifically to get San Diego to adopt a 100% clean energy plan. Il devance le républicain John Cox, qu’il ne devrait pas avoir de problèmes à battre lors de l’élection générale du 6 novembre. Vainqueur républicain par municipalité : Baker en rouge et Lively en beige. During the 2016 elections, Zoltan interviewed with Gary Johnson to potentially be his preferred Vice Presidential running mate. Willon grew up in Southern California and previously worked for the Tampa Tribune and the Capital in Annapolis, Md. Il rassemble 48 % des voix devant Mitchell (30 %), Lopez (13 %) et Robinson (9 %)[32]. Le républicain sortant Pete Ricketts est candidat à un second mandat. Homes burned in Santa Rosa and flames threatened St. Helena in Sonoma and Napa counties as large swaths of Northern California face dangerous fire weather. À la suite de cet événement, le gouverneur se trouve distancé par Hanabusa dans les sondages[58]. La primaire démocrate est remportée par l’ancien maire de Nashville Karl Dean. Mills arrive en tête du premier tour avec 33 % des suffrages, contre 28 % pour Cote, 16 % pour Sweet et 14 % pour Eves[80]. Les sondages donnent Kelly et Kobach au coude-à-coude, loin devant Orman à environ 10 %[77],[78]. In Israel, the Jewish High Holidays clash with a new coronavirus lockdown. Unaffordability. Murphy reçoit le soutien du DFL tandis que Swanson fait campagne sur son action au sein du gouvernement et que Walz se présente comme le plus modéré des trois. Il remporte la primaire avec plus de deux tiers des suffrages[11]. Candidate Info: I’m running for governor because elected politicians no longer represent the people of this state. Vainqueur démocrate par comté : Abrams en bleu et Evans en vert. Eleni Kounalakis and Ed Hernandez advance to general election for lieutenant governor, The Daily Californian (June 6, 2018); Opinion: Eleven Aspire to California’s Highest, Powerless Political Office, Time of San Diego (April 4, 2018); California is overflowing with lieutenant governor hopefuls — so many candidates, so few duties, Los Angeles Times (May 6, 2018) No child should ever live in hunger. Vous ne pouvez lire Le Monde que sur un seul appareil à la fois (ordinateur, téléphone ou tablette). Canididate Info: I’m running for governor to make California better. Fires rampage through wine country, destroying numerous homes in Santa Rosa. That’s what my service as governor will be about — making sure the people are heard in Sacramento and their priorities are addressed. Thank you for considering my candidacy. Avec 32,1 % des suffrages, ils devancent le ticket du sénateur Frank Aguon Jr. (31,1 %), celui de l’ancien gouverneur Carl Gutierrez (21,9 %) et celui du sénateur Dennis Rodriguez (14,7 %)[162]. All public K–12 student meals should be included in the cost to educate each student. Budgets are statements of values. As a 20 year working class professional, I will defend residents from unnecessary taxation, regulatory bureaucracy and skyrocketing costs of living. Hollywood Friends Are Nudging", "Disney CEO Bob Iger is reportedly considering a presidential run in 2020", "Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg isn't going anywhere", "Libby Schaaf will seek 2nd term as Oakland mayor", "Rep. Jackie Speier considers running for governor", "Environmentalist Tom Steyer opts out of Senate race", "Billionaire Tom Steyer won't decide whether to run for governor until after November", "California Billionaire Will Not Run in 2018 Elections", "A conservative lawmaker is running for California governor", "Republican John Cox enters race for California governor", "Republican John Cox is running for governor: 'There are two Californias, "Certified List of Write-in Candidates for the June 5, 2018, Statewide Direct Primary Election", "Local football legend declares run for governor", "Former L.A. Rams star Rosey Grier says he plans to run for governor of California", "Former football star Rosey Grier takes a pass on the California governor's race", "Former Republican assemblyman joins race to be California's next governor", "Republican David Hadley drops out of California governor's race two weeks after entering", "Tulare County Supervisor Allen Ishida says he's running for governor in '18", "Republican drops out of race for California governor", "Mulling another run for governor, Tim Donnelly writes tell-all book", "California's top Republican won't be running for governor", "Swearengin to head community foundation after Fresno mayoral term ends", "GOP's Swearengin Won't Run For California Governor. Candidate Info: “Teach your children calculus And keep the planet safe Or feathered stones and empty bowls Will also be their fate.”. Gavin’s top priorities are economic development (creating jobs and reducing poverty), education (increasing affordable access to quality schools at all levels), protecting the environment, and justice – ensuring California continues to lead by example while actively resisting any attempt by the Trump administration to take us backwards. As we head into an age of automation, non-creative work for humans may be scarce. Stop elected officials using their office for personal gain at taxpayers’ expense. ", "BREAKING! He launched his campaign for governor in February 2015. Le 28 août, il remporte le second tour de la primaire avec 54,6 % des voix contre 45,4 % pour Cornett[128]. Il vous reste 50.71% de cet article à lire. And as governor, I will proudly serve for all of the people of California. Having companies move out of California rather than in because of high taxes and over-burdening regulations is unacceptable." Le gouverneur républicain sortant Nathan Deal ne peut pas se présenter à un nouveau mandat[52]. Gavin Newsom and California politics for the Los Angeles Times. Harsh new light on Trump taxes as Biden decries GOP ‘abuse of power’ on court pick. Biggest controversy: Widely criticized for claiming that a recent California law would “legalize” child prostitution. Cependant, la candidature de Sutton gagne peu à peu du terrain auprès des électeurs. Après les primaires, Walz est considéré comme la favori du scrutin[99]. Il bat cependant facilement son opposant Keith Stern en rassemblant deux tiers des voix[149]. La Californie a « une rare occasion de résoudre ses problèmes d’impôts et de criminalité élevés, avait tweeté le président le 28 mai, dans un de ses messages visant le Golden State, un Etat où sa popularité plafonne à 28 %, dix-huit mois après avoir été devancé par Hillary Clinton de 30 points en 2016. Also sign up for our community newspaper newsletters, and CaregiverSD. "Beyond thrilled to have the support of @SenatorLeyva, a fearless defender of equality and champion for working people across our state!". I am a Candidate for the office of State Assemblyman for District 46 in the upcoming November 6, 2018 … Durant l’année qui précède la primaire démocrate, l’ancienne représentante Gwen Graham et l’ancien maire de Miami Beach Philip Levine sont donnés au coude-à-coude, suivis par le maire de Tallahassee Andrew Gillum et l’homme d’affaires Chris King. Californians For Making America Great Again (CA4MAGA) Inc. Silicon Valley Association of Republican Women, Al Austin, member of the Long Beach City Council, American Federation of Teachers Staff Guild, Local 1521A, Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs (ALADS), Silicon Valley Asian Pacific American Democratic Club, United Nurses Associations of California/Union of Health Care Professionals, West Hollywood-Beverly Hills Democratic Club, Leona Egeland Rice, former California State Assemblywoman (Santa Clara), Feel the Bern Democratic Club, Los Angeles, Victor Alcantara, candidate for Coachella City Council, Andy Caffrey, candidate for Congress, CD2, Al Rojas, union organizer, contemporary of, Desiree Rojas, union organizer and Democratic delegate, Assembly District 4, Erik Rydberg, candidate for California Secretary of State, Miguel Vargas, union organizer, contemporary of, Dr. James Hanink, contributing editor to the, Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, professor and vice-president at, John Martignoni, founder and President of, Cristina Carriozosa, member of the Pomona City Council, Ginna Escobar, member of the Pomona City Council, Rubio R. Gonzalez, member of the Pomona City Council, Roberto Uranga, member of the Long Beach City Council, John Zaragoza, member of the Ventura County Board of Supervisors, International Union of Painters and Allied Trade District Council 36, Peace Officers Research Association of California, Alex Appleby, President of the University of the Pacific chapter of Young Americans for Liberty, Kenneth Brent Olsen, Northern Vice Chair of the, Honor "Mimi" Robson, candidate for Representative of California's 70th State Assembly District, Libertarian Party of Kings County, chapter of the Libertarian Party for, Libertarian Party of San Bernardino County, chapter of the Libertarian Party for, Libertarian Party of San Joaquin County, chapter of the Libertarian Party for, Libertarian Party of Santa Clara County, chapter of the Libertarian Party for, Libertarian Party of Stanislaus County, chapter of the Libertarian Party for, Lew Uhler, president of the National Tax Limitation Committee, California Republican Veterans Association, Southern California Republican Women and Men, Association of Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs, National Latino Peace Officers Association, Lena Gonzalez, member of the Long Beach City Council, Matt Haney, San Francisco Board of Education Commissioner, Hydra Mendoza-McDonnell, San Francisco Board of Education Vice President, Katie Rice, member of the Marin County Board of Supervisors, This page was last edited on 16 September 2020, at 17:04. Les sondages donnent le gouverneur largement en tête des intentions de vote[109]. Le républicain sortant Eddie Calvo ne peut pas se présenter à un nouveau mandat[161]. Trump ex-campaign boss hospitalized amid threat to harm self. to repeal new gas taxes and vehicle fees, Docked state legislators’ pay for failing to pass a balanced budget on time, refusing an order by then-Gov. Après deux mandats, le démocrate centriste sortant John Hickenlooper ne peut pas se représenter[29],[30]. A True American Calls For Sustainable Economic & Political Government Practices. Il arrive en tête des intentions de vote. We have America’s highest poverty rate and the greatest inequality. Here’s what to expect. 22% out of 1,504 not voting. Yes, you read that correctly. La primaire démocrate voit s’affronter trois principaux candidats : le sénateur Daniel Biss, l’homme d’affaires Chris Kennedy (fils de Robert F. Kennedy) et le milliardaire J. Fermer la bandeau d’une raison de s’abonner au journal Le Monde. On my first day in office, I’ll put an end to the sanctuary state law that shelters illegal felons, and puts all of our families at risk. Occupation: Entrepreneur/economist/father, Occupation: Entrepreneur/trans-humanist lecturer. The Republican several years ago unsuccessfully pushed a ballot initiative to overhaul Sacramento by establishing a “neighborhood legislature,” which would add 12,000 “citizen legislators” elected in neighborhoods to the 80 Assembly members and 40 senators who currently make up the California Legislature. He wrestled for concessions from public employee unions that were necessary, in part, because of raises that Villaraigosa had approved before the recession hit. Doug Ose* (R) 3%, Someone else 1%, Undecided 24%. @CAGOP #cagop2018 #GOP", "Top California Republican urges Travis Allen to endorse rival John Cox", "Michael Holtsclaw, Chair of the Tehama County GOP is endorsing me for #CAGov.