Now, just two nights after viewing 'Snowpiercer' for the second time, I'm already looking forward to watching it again. The compound backfired and killed every living thing on the planet. Copyright © 2020 LLC, MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. With his trusty young sidekick (Jamie Bell), courageous friends (Octavia Spencer) and a father-daughter pair of rebellious technically savvy friends (Kang-ho Song and Ah-sung Ko, 'The Host'), Curtis will attempt to make his way through countless villains (Tilda Swinton, Allison Pill, Ed Harris) just to get to the front. Staffel von Snowpiercer für Dich zusammen. After the early introduction of the first analysers, their complexity increased in line with th… Marco Beltrami. It's not entirely perfect, but it's almost there. 'Snowpiercer' is a creative, original and thought-provoking social commentary film that's disguised as a futuristic action thriller. Snowpiercer ist in den Genres Action, Drama und Science Fiction angesiedelt. Existing oscilloscopes were not able to provide the required levels of functionality. DVD". Snowpiercer DVD Gesamtverkaufsrang: 42342; Verkaufsrang in Blu-ray Discs: 1865; Die Erde in naher Zukunft: Ewiges Eis und Schnee bedecken den einst so grünen Planeten. Chris "Captain America" Evans leads the international cast of 'Snowpiercer' as Curtis. Spannender Film, mit doch recht interessanten Schichten. When global warming got out of control, a chemical cooling agent was released into Earth's atmosphere to combat the growing issue. texts. 'Snowpiercer' carries a 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio tracks that's also nearly perfect. Bong Joon-ho . Bloodbath battles feature soaring spatter. Snowpiercer . Review Date October 20th, 2014 by, Critics' Commentary Hosted By Scott WeinbergThe Train Brought To Life: Behind The Scenes Of A Special Screening'Transperceneige': From The Blank Page To The Black ScreenThe Birth Of SnowpiercerThe CharactersAnimated PrologueConcept Art GalleriesChris Evans & Tilda Swinton On Snowpiercer, See what people are saying about this story or others, The latest Blu-ray, news, releases & pre-orders, Home Video Releases For The Week of December 22, 2020, Home Video Releases For The Week of December 15, 2020, Home Video Releases For The Week of December 8, 2020, Home Video Releases For The Week of December 1, 2020, Harry Potter: The Complete 8-Film Collection, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (Special Edition). All rights reserved. When I first viewed 'Snowpiercer' on demand, I felt that it dragged on a little to long; however, when I re-watched it on Blu-ray, that opinion was reversed. 4.5 out of 5 stars (6) 6 product ratings - SNOWPIERCER-SNOWPIERCER Blu-Ray NEW. Included in the case is a paper with an advertisement for the original comic. Der Release-Termin der DVD/Bluray ist nicht bekannt. The vocal mix is where the one flaw lies. Shots of the actors' faces reveal grease and grime embedded into their individual facial pores. Premature hype can be a bad thing, so I tried my best to go in objectively neutral. your own Pins on Pinterest Snowpiercer (koreanska: 설국열차; hanja: 雪國列車; RR: Seolgungnyeolcha) är en sydkoreansk science fiction-actionfilm från 2013, baserad på den franska serieromanen Le Transperceneige av Jacques Lob, Benjamin Legrand och Jean-Marc Rochette. Besonders zu Beginn des Films und während der Durchquerung der ersten Wagons ist der Film wirklich sehr brutal, das muss ich schon sagen. Kein Leben rührt sich. Snowpiercer ein Film von Bong Joon Ho mit Chris Evans, Jamie Bell, Tilda Swinton. Snowpiercer ist ein Science-Fiction-Actionfilm aus dem Jahr 2013, der auf den französischen Comics Schneekreuzer (Le Transperceneige) von Jacques Lob, Benjamin Legrand und Jean-Marc Rochette basiert. Background "peanut gallery" dialog is fun to hear as it plays through the back speakers. Based on the French graphic novel Le Transperceneige, Snowpiercer is set in AD 2031 and tells the story of a group of survivors stranded on a train in a post-apocalyptic world covered by snow and ice. Auf Blu-Rays können daher Filme mit deutlich besserer Auflösung gespeichert werden und bieten auf entsprechenden Bildschirmen eine enorm hohe Bildqualität. Lots of everyday items have amazing hidden uses and secrets you don't know about. I recently watched the Snowpiercer T V series; a dystopian sci-fi where the last remnants of humanity survive on a single train, divided into separate classes. Qualifizierte Bestellungen werden kostenlos geliefert. Un train dans lequel se sont donnés rendez-vous dans le numéro 28 de tintin belge sous le titre de la bd … Snowpiercer subtitles English. Set in the not too distant future, 'Snowpiercer' takes place after a second ice age has frozen-over the planet. £2.31 postage. Die Blu-Ray wurde als High-Definition-Nachfolger der DVD entwickelt und bietet ihrem Vorläufer gegenüber eine erheblich gesteigerte Datenrate und Speicherkapazität. Hochgeschwindigkeits-Thriller mit Jamie Bell, Chris Evans und Tilda Swinton: Im Jahr 2031 gibt es nach einem missglückten Versuch, die Erderwärmung zu stoppen, nur n “We move forward!” Zu guter Letzt sei nochmal der großartige Cast hervorgehoben: Koreas Superstar Kang-ho Song ("Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance", "The Good, the Bad, the Weird"), der in nahezu allen Filmen Joon-ho Bongs dabei ist, darf auch in "Snowpiercer" als geheimnisvoller Passagier ordentlich mitmischen. One nightclub car features explosive neon lights. Snowpiercer - Blu-ray (BD) kaufen bei Gute Filme & DVD Neuheiten in unserer Filmdatenbank, mit DVD Cover und Filmbeschreibung zu allen DVD-Features wie Bildformat, Tonformat, Regie, Darsteller, Veröffentlichungstermin sowie DVD Shops & Filmshops. Free postage. Created by Josh Friedman, Graeme Manson. The tiniest individual droplets can be seen amongst the globs. I was worried about 'Snowpiercer' prior to seeing it. Re: Snowpiercer ~ Transperceneige. 05 Mai 2020 21:47. Chris Evans, Kang-ho Song, Ed Harris, John Hurt, Tilda Swinton, Jamie Bell und Octavia Spencer mit. Jetzt anmelden Snowpiercer 2? Im Film führen Bong Joon-ho Regie. Ihr Warenkorb enthält nun 1 Artikel im Wert von EUR 7,99. Letztendlich ist Snowpiercer ein netter Sci-Fi-Film, mit teils heftigen Szenen, überzeugenden Darstellern und einer interessanten Wendung. Concept: Class Struggle (on a train!) Un nouveau trailer. Updated daily and in real-time, we track all high-def disc news and release dates, and review the latest disc titles. Buy Snowpiercer from Amazon's DVD & Blu-ray TV Store. Bitte aktivieren Sie deshalb Ihr Javascript. Wo genau die Serie ansetzen wird, ist bisher noch nicht klar. (26) 26 product ratings - SNOWPIERCER (2PC) / (2PK)-SNOWPIERCER (2PC) / (2PK) DVD NEW. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! Nur ein Zug, der einsam durch die verlassene Schneelandschaft fährt, bietet den überlebenden Menschen noch Schutz vor der tödlichen Kälte. SNOWPIERCER-SNOWPIERCER (US IMPORT) Blu-Ray NEW. To co začalo velmi nadějně se rozvíjející trend je nyní spíše ve stádiu stagnace. Effects are always well-mixed like this. £9.42. Lucky Luke Collection Topics: lucky luke, comics, morris, Goscinny. Joon-ho has proven himself as a strong filmmaker. Finden Sie Top-Angebote für Snowpiercer (DVD, 2014, 2-Disc Set) bei eBay. Before we even had a trailer for 'Snowpiercer,' geeks across the internet were up in arms about The Weinstein Company reportedly hacking the director's cut to pieces. Vous pouvez gérer vos collections grâce à un outil 100% gratuit. AKA: Снiгобур, Snow Piercer, Buzqiran. - Serien-Adaption von TNT. Both stem from the movie's overtly dark beginning. We try to provide individual approach for all our visitors and every fan searching for the exciting and qualitative material to read. Aside from those mostly first-act flaws, the rest of the picture quality is fantastic. As we tour their filthy cabin, you'll see the detail put into the high quality set decoration, including stains, smudges and tattered clothing fibers. The two-disc blue Elite case itself is standard, but instead of being a DVD combo pack, the second disc is another Blu-ray that contains all special features (with the exception of the feature commentary). The only problem comes from dialog being flatly mixed when it absolutely shouldn't be. The Blu-ray itself contain near-perfect audio and video – the flaws being minor and inconsistent – and enough special features to warrant them being housed on a second Blu-ray disc. Kamera Kyung-Pyo Hong Hong Kyung-pyo Jae-Hyeok Lee Juan David Salazar. Ohne aktives Javascript kann es zu Problemen bei der Darstellung kommen. £12.86 . Lucky Luke Collection - PDF (Scan) --texts. Doch die Masse der verbliebenen Menschheit fristet im hinteren Teil des Zuges ein Leben in ewiger Dunkelheit, während vorne die wenigen reichen Passagiere im Luxus schwelgen. - Kaufen Sie SNOWPIERCER - SNOWPIERCER (1 Blu-ray) günstig ein. Hier haben sie ihre letzte Zuflucht gefunden. Produktionsland. While 'Snowpiercer' didn't crack the domestic $5 million mark at the box office, it's said that the On Demand revenue was through the roof (although the numbers proving that statement have not been released). Možná jste to na naší mapě automatů na mléko zaznamenali i vy. Eine Revolution steht kurz bevor …, Parasite (Ultra HD Blu-ray & Blu-ray im Mediabook). From the back of the roaring machine to the front, it mirrors the various classes of society. With a high amount of rewatchability, the 'Snowpiercer' Blu-ray comes highly recommended. The front contains the wealthy and wasteful – the "one percent." Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Es ist der erste englischsprachige Film des südkoreanischen Regisseurs und Drehbuchautors Bong Joon-ho ().In Südkorea hatte der Film seine Premiere am 31. Kein Leben rührt sich. Une de plus. Budget 39.200.000 USD Einspielergebnis 86.758.912 USD Laufzeit. See 'Snakes on a Plane' for an example of one that absolutely didn't deserve the hype. Nothing but two unskippable vanity reels play before the main menu. Snowpiercer (Korean: 설국열차; Hanja: 雪國列車; RR: Seolgungnyeolcha) is a 2013 science fiction action film based on the French graphic novel Le Transperceneige by Jacques Lob, Benjamin Legrand and Jean-Marc Rochette. In Snowpiercer geht es um einen Zug, der die letzten Überlebenden der Menschheit durch eine vereiste Welt befördert. Yes, there's action and, yes, it's thrilling – but there's so much more to it than that. To date, it's the only movie that I've done that with. Jetzt bequem online bestellen. Snowpiercer: Science-Fiction-Drama, angesiedelt in einer postapokalyptischen Welt, in der ein besonderer Zug, der Snowpiercer, die letzte Hoffnung der Menschheit darstellt. Le réseau Sanctuary regroupe des sites thématiques autour des Manga, BD, Comics, Cinéma, Séries TV. Music. Snowpiercer est une série TV de Josh Friedman avec Jennifer Connelly (Melanie Cavill), Daveed Diggs (Andre Layton). Download FREE COMICS is one of the largest sources of the most outstanding collections of comics presented in the online area. And the working middle class separates the two extremes. Snowpiercer Blu-ray im Onlineshop von Saturn kaufen. £12.05. The levels are always great. Because there's so little wrong with the video quality, let's start with its flaws. Im Film spielen u.a. manga (2017) (Digital) (danke-Empire) Jan 15, 2018 01/18. Sharp details are ever-present. Mit einem Budget von 40 Mio Euro ist dieser in Prag gedrehte Film die teuerste koreanische Produktion aller Zeiten. Jetzt bequem online bestellen. Its passengers haven't seen daylight in 17 years. SNOWPIERCER, beruhend auf der Graphic Novel SCHNEEKREUZER von Jacques Lob, Benjamin Legrand und Jean-Marc Rochett, ist bestes Science Fiction-Kino: mitreißend, klug und visuell beeindruckend. Le monde du transperceneige intégrale snowpiercer le transperceneige est le premier alpiniste qui essaya de vaincre l'everest mais disparut pendant l'ascension en 1924 il soupçonne. USA/Südkorea/Frankreich/Tschechische Republik, 2013. Seven years after the world has become a frozen wasteland, the remnants of humanity inhabit a perpetually-moving train that circles the globe, where class warfare, social injustice and the politics of survival play out. Comic Books and Graphic Novels. Sporadically throughout the first act, you'll notice instances of crushing and some inconsistencies with black levels due to contrast issues. See similar items. South Korean filmmaker Bong Joon-ho killed it with his last two feature films, 'The Host' and 'Mother,' so it's no surprise that 'Snowpiercer' is also another amazing title under his belt. The only remaining life resides in a highly advanced super long train known as the "snowpiercer." eye 35,032 favorite 13 comment 0 . It contains everything required of a noteworthy film: an excellent screenplay, a capable director, strong actors (Chris Evans actually delivers one of his best performances to date), characters worth giving a damn about, et cetera. Snowpiercer … Nun ja, es kam mal wieder anders als gedacht. The film kicks off with an opening credits sequence that allows the fitting score to boom through all channels. In a future where a failed global-warming experiment kills off most life on the planet, a class system evolves aboard the Snowpiercer, a train that travels around the globe via a perpetual-motion engine. For once, there's a movie that deserves all of the fanboy hype it's received. Be it gunfire, clanking metallic weapons during chaotic barbaric battles or the expected train sounds, the effects are always fantastically mixed. These issues are hardly consistent and they're not fatal - but they're there. Juli 201 He's not a one-trick pony. Once we get into the train, the natural creaks and rattles can be heard randomly emitting from different speakers. [Viễn tưởng] Snowpiercer (2013) BD Remux AVC 1080p DTS-HD MA 7.1 (Eng) - Chuyến tàu băng giá. umgehend lieferbar, Bestand beim Lieferanten vorhanden, Die Erde in naher Zukunft: Ewiges Eis und Schnee bedecken den einst so grünen Planeten. Schneidet Themen an, die vielleicht altbekannt erscheinen, doch gut inszeniert sind. An instance will offer an opportunity for voices to be spread through the channels, but they will be flatly confined to the front instead. As we move forward through the train, the palette gets more and more colorful. Snowpiercer Staffel 1 Episodenguide: Wir fassen schnell & übersichtlich alle Folgen der 1. Diese Rezension bezieht sich auf " Snowpiercer, Thảo luận trong 'Bluray Remux' bắt đầu bởi tammoto, 22/11/19. 34,986 35K. Anonym bewerten. : Statt „Snowpiercer 2“ wird es eine „Snowpiercer“-Serie geben, die in Deutschland auf Netflix zu sehen sein wird. Mit dem Science-Fiction-Film "Snowpiercer" beweist der südkoreanische Regisseur Bong Joon-ho seine Meisterschaft. Snowpiercer Blu-ray im Onlineshop von MediaMarkt kaufen. The main feature disc is a Region A BD-50, but the special feature disc is a Region A BD-25. Aber die Zeichen stehen auf Veränderung. Bringing you all the best reviews of high definition entertainment. 3 brand new from C $20.90. I, for one, had never used any streaming pay-per-view services; however, I broke that streak and paid $7.99 to satisfy my curiosty and see 'Snowpiercer' in HD. Crushing pops up a little bit more in the end, but not often and not nearly as much as the first act. 23 Avr 2020 21:16. Because of the boxcar settings, during scenes where voices are projected loudly through the car, the voices sound narrowly confined. Re: Snowpiercer ~ Transperceneige. The details never let up. SNOWPIERCER, beruhend auf der Graphic Novel SCHNEEKREUZER von Jacques Lob, Benjamin Legrand und Jean-Marc Rochett, ist bestes Science Fiction-Kino: mitreißend, klug und visuell beeindruckend. Da ist die FSK-Angabe von 16 Jahren auf jeden Fall angebracht. 'Snowpiercer' features a 1080p/AVC MPEG-4 encode and a 1.78:1 aspect ratio. £2.31 postage. Great amounts of rumbly bass and LFE are peppered throughout the track. Action-Kino muss nicht laut und platt sein. Snowpiercer Kritik: 456 Rezensionen, Meinungen und die neuesten User-Kommentare zu Snowpiercer The dreary back section is almost entirely void of colors. Snowpiercer: The Complete First Season (BD + Digital) Set more than seven years after the world has become a frozen wasteland, Snowpiercer centers on the remnants of humanity, who inhabit a 1001-car, perpetually moving train that circles the globe. Under the guidance of an aged leader figure in the back of the train (John Hurt), Curtis is like the general of Hurt's under-armed and rebellious army that's plotting to take the train one car at a time, breaking the damning social system and restoring equality to the last hope of humanity. Les sites du réseau Sanctuary sont des sites d'information et d'actualité. Snowpiercer Trailer. The silvery reflective embossed slipcover that comes with it has an unfoldable front panel that features a cool concept art image. It's a fantastic small touch that adds to the experience. IThe hype is well=earned. Blu-Ray-Player sind in der Regel abwärtskompatibel zu DVDs, so dass auch diese abgespielt werden können. AD 2031, the passengers in the train are the only survivors on Earth.. In the back, you'll find the lowly – the broken, oppressed and impoverished. "Snowpiercer" ist reich an symbolischer Bedeutung, man muss nur genau hinschauen. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. 'Snowpiercer' is a creative, original and thought-provoking social commentary film that's disguised as a futuristic action thriller. Luckily, just like the video flaws, this one audio flaw is rare. The tail-enders live in absolute poverty. It's got a purpose, meaning, social relevance and a pure, believable, unforced heart. Ohne Anmeldung wird Ihre Rezension anonym veröffentlicht. An orange sauna section of the train carries a glowing vibrancy. The constrast faults will leave some should-be black areas of the screen looking gray. Yes, 'Snowpiercer' has the awesome stylized action that we've come to expect from Korean cinema, but there's so much more than just that going on here. Founded in April 2006, High-Def Digest is the ultimate guide for High-Def enthusiasts who demand only the best that money can buy. From beginning to end, despite knowing exactly what was going to happen next, it flew right on by. by Anonymous. Der Snowpiercer Episodenguide bietet dir eine Liste aller 11 Episoden von Snowpiercer in der Übersicht. The pacing issue that I noted on my first round were nowhere to be found – which brings me to rewatchability. When fans build up a movie prior to its actual release, it could go either way. Best quality Apple iPhone 7 Plus Battery Replacement in BD: 7: New Apple iPhone 12: an accidental specs release : 7: NewsBytes Apple iPhone 12 Pro models to sport 3D ToF cameras: 7: Apple MacBook Pro 133 Early 2015 – i5 256SSD 8GB Grade C: 6: For Apple iPhone 7 Plus Rear Facing Camera Glass Lens Replacement: 6: Apple iMac Intel Core 27 All In One Bilgisayar: 6: Apple iPhone X Unlocked … Die FSK-Einstufung ist unbekannt. Der Kinostart von Snowpiercer ist unbekannt. SNOWPIERCER-SNOWPIERCER Blu-Ray NEW. Hier haben sie ihre letzte Zuflucht gefunden. Mit einem Budget von 40 Mio Euro ist dieser in Prag gedrehte Film die … With Jennifer Connelly, Daveed Diggs, Mickey Sumner, Alison Wright. Produktionsdatum 2013 . 126 Minuten Regie. While I completely enjoyed it then, it was during my second viewing – watching the Blu-ray – that I absolutely fell in love with it. No dialog is lost. The political allegory of Snowpiercer turns out to be a fairytale as well. In the early 1980s when these chips first started to become widely used, the urgent need arose to develop techniques that would enable the many lines and test points to be monitored simultaneously. The Weinsteins have given 'Snowpiercer' a Blu-ray release that's worlds better than what you'd expect from an indie flick. Oct 8, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Minna H. Discover (and save!) Nur ein Zug, der einsam durch die verlassene Schneelandschaft fährt, bietet den überlebenden Menschen noch Schutz vor der tödlichen Kälte. The palette is black and gray with accents of warm lighting. Mlékomaty pomalu ale bohužel jistě mizí. In the rear section of the train, there are no windows. Snowpiercer ist ein koreanisch-produzierter, jedoch englischsprachiger Science-Fiction-Film, der seit seiner Premiere am 01. Premier aperçu, ayant kiffé la BD et le film, j'attends grave. Snowpiercer ist für mich einer der besten Filme überhaupt. Sie finden Rezensionen und Details zu einer vielseitigen Blu-ray- und DVD-Auswahl – neu und gebraucht. The only faults stem from the low budget shining through. Südkorea, USA, Frankreich . The first logic analysers were developed out of the need to be able de-bug and undertake fault-finding on microprocessor based systems. Yes, there's action and, yes, it's thrilling – but there's so much more to it than that. August durchweg positive Kritiken bekommt und abseits der Hollywood-Kost einen der Geheimtipps des Jahres darstellt. blackfreddy1 am 16.11.2014. Nach den vielen schlechten Kritiken hatte ich es schon bereut mir den Film ausgeliehen zu haben.